It Only Takes A Moment, Or A Word

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I suck in the air through our mouths as his lips push into mine. My body shivers and pulls toward him.
I stick to him and layer my hands around his. His lips, there plump and warm. The dampness of them coats and marinates into mine.

My eyes shut tightly and my body experiences things I've never before. The warmth about him seeps into me and swallows my soul. I can't feel anything but him; my nose is only suffocated by the addicting smell of him. Everything about me can't focus on anything but him.

He pushes us into the water in what feels slow motion. Our heads and faces drizzle with never ending water; it's cold but the way our bodies connect make it go away.

We detach for a second but he pulls me back with a gentle grip on my throat.
I tangle my fingers into his hair and arch my body back to allow more access from him to me. His hands begin exploring me; he attempts to go slow but his chest stops and stutters with struggled breathes.

I open my eyes and admire all the soft feature his face holds when kissing me. He looks calm; his eyes shut and soft, his jaw unclenched and only focused on me.
I break the kiss and hold my breath as he opens his eyes and stares at me. It's so intense, his eyes feel deeper and darker. As if they're only now really staring into me; seeing and understanding me.

I can't feel what I propose to him. My eyes could be filled with tears but the numbness inside my body only covers it with lust.
I run my hand over his ear and connect it with his jaw. "Thank you" I whisper. My voice is husk and raw.

He furrows his eyebrows gently and wraps his hands crossed around my waist, "why are you thanking me?" He hums. The bottom of my feet vibrating with the depth of his tone. "Ive never felt that" I admit.

The sides of his lips curve faintly, "you've never kissed anyone?" He whispers, running his pupils over me curiously.
"I've never kissed you" I say. My face concentrated and honest.

He sucks in a deep breath and places one last kiss on the tip of my nose. "I don't know what that means but I hope one day you'll tell me" he smiles. Running his fingers down the dip in my back.

I pull myself into him and lay my head in the pocket of his neck and shoulder.
His nose rests in my hair and his hands circle and trace my back. My mind runs back to seconds before we kissed and now. The tattoo, the one in cursive and black ink that somehow caught my eyes so effortlessly.

I pull away softly and stare up at him. "I'm not looking at your penis okay?" I giggle. He smiles big with my comment and settles his eyes with trust.
I stand there for a couple seconds painting his smile in my mind. I know I look crazy, staring at him so widely my pupils start to burn. But, his eyes talked in happiness when his straight white teeth blazed against me.

"What is it?" He asks. I shake my head and sigh heavily.
My eyes lower to the tattoo and in some way I feel that I almost promised him when saying I wouldn't look at anything that he assumed, my promise is kept.

I squint my eyes as it becomes hard to read. All I catch is the beginning letter that reads M.
I drop to my knees and swallow with the position I've put myself in. His body tenses as I place my hand on his v line and his breath sucks back harshly.

Moments are nice. Moments are bad. Moments can make up for good things that last long or bad things that last forever.
When I read the word that is inked on Emilios skin, this moment. It feels like a nightmare that will play over my mind back and forth til I take my last breath.

As I read this word, I want my innocence back of even looking at him. I want the feeling of not sleeping next to him and smiling when I caught his stare.
I just want to fucking forget how just a minute ago I couldn't believe how good it felt to have his hands all over me while my lips wanted his.
His body is printed with this word. Not a moment, a word. One that is burning my mind and swallowing my emotions. My throat becomes dry, my eyes can't blink.

He stands there with a smile, happiness.
I exhale the breath that just held my lungs so tightly. I let out a sob and cringe as the hot tears pour down my cheeks.
I want my moment back where I thought he was attractive. I want my moments back where I liked having him to myself.

His body has a word. My attention blurs but my mind is singing the word,

"Michelle what is it" he asks calmly. Placing his hands on my body and standing me back to my feet. I stand and stare, I watch how beautiful such evil is. I rip myself away from his fire filled touch and explode with anger and pain. "You lied to me Emilio"I whisper in pain.
He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head in confusion.

"Don't touch me" I say in numbness, swallowing myself in how I fell for the only thing that ever hurt me in life.
His eyes become concerned and full of guilt. I sob loudly and hold my mouth with a shaking hand." "Your killed my mother" I stutter. Breathing hard and feeling trapped by his body. I feel suffocated by the way his eyes run over me as if he still ever deserved this.

"How sick can you be, you knew!" I accuse.
"Michelle please" he whispers, laying an arm out gently.
I push him away and shake my head with pain. "Emilio how could you do this to me. You made me fall for you when your the reason I've gone through so much, your family; they took my mother from me. How could you do this?" I say in disbelief.

He opens his mouth to speak but I push by him. I hear the hum in his pleading and shaking voice as I walk to the sink and place my clothes against me. I ignore him. His words become mumbled and everything about me is zoned out and away.

I leave and feel the weight on my shoulders only become even heavier as I feel like leaving Emilio only made me loose more than I had before.

A moment was all it took for my feeling to collapse. But it was a single word that made it that way.

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