Chapter 38: More of what i cant have

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One word. One simple word or phrase is all it takes to ruin someone inside and out. At least for in this stale moment it felt..

The shallow sun batted against my eyes and I laid in silence. Not blinking moving, or even as it seemed breathing.

Should I really feel this torn and shattered over some simple word which can easily be explained by it being said so many times and stressed about even more.

He was drunk. Not in the right mind. That's the main point here. Right?

I want to believe and trust that. I really fucking do but I'm afraid it's just not. Overthinking and hurting over something so simple which makes me bleed so much.

My empty tears are taken away from the light sheets underneath me and as I lay limp and tired a loud ruffling sound erupts from the room which Emilio was left in. By me...

His loud and angered groan fills the echoing hallway and I listen to his footsteps narrowing to this room. Tensing and clenching myself in anxiety.

He barges in aggressively and whimpers gently. Shuffling towards the bed and standing over it..

"Michelle" he whines. Throwing his body on the bed and closing his eyes.

I rub my eyes and tears gently before sitting up and locking eyes with him. Hiding the hurt and pain restricting me...

"I feel like shit" he whispers. Throwing his hand over across mine and holding it tightly.

As I watch him touch me in the lightest way I jerk my hand back roughly and try hiding it with a soft sigh...

"What's wrong" he asks. Fluttering his eyes open and glaring at my with worry..

"Who's Rose" I blurt. Shaking at the thoughts and words which all want to be heard.

As that simple word crawls out of my mouth he seems to become tense and defensive. Like I hit a harsh nerve..

"Nobody" he brushes off. Looking up at me for clarification..

I shake my head gently and sob. A single tear drooling down my face.

"Don't lie to me. Who was she" I repeat. Holding my arms tightly and biting my lip in discomfort..

"I told you-"

"Emilio who the fuck is she!" I snap. Glaring down at him with disappointment and zero trust...

He sighs aggressively and lowers his eyes. The room and air filling with discomfort and thickness.

"My Ex"

No. That's not enough.

"Who you were going to marry" I curse. narrowing my eyes in need of information.

"Michelle she's gone. It means nothing anymore" he pleads. His eyes widened and my body trying to forget it all..

"Emilio that's not enough. I want to know who she is" I cry. Staring at him in agony.

He breathes out harshly and seems to be annoyed. If she means nothing like he says to be why does it worry and bother him so deeply..

"Please love it's too early for this" he says calmly. Closing his eyes once again and scrunching his eyebrows in what I can tell to be pain.

"What's wrong" I ask gently. Fidgeting with my fingers in my lap silently.

"My head is pounding" he responds. Pulling his body next to mine and drifting into the light sheets...

"Can we talk about it later" he whispers. Slithering his hands around my waist and resting his head in my lap.

I can't help but crash and give in to his child like actions. Kissing his head and raking my fingers through his shiny and messy hair..

Our loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ