Chapter 42: bad intentions

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God she really is beautiful. In my arms and sheltered by me. The only time I really feel collected and at home...

Her eyes lay shut softly and her small breathes of air brush against my chest.

I push some hair from her face to behind her ear with my rough finger.  almost waking her. Even my attempts of being gentle not acting as enough...

I could watch and admire her for hours. Everything she says and does making me entertained and mad.

When she's in my grasp she's all mine and that's when I know everyone knows it. Making it 10x harder for anyone to even look at her as my body is huge compared to hers...

She's little but filled with fire. Brave and beautiful, something I'll always love about her.

Even though my face may look tense and aggressive as I gaze down at her everything inside is jumping around with joy...

She makes me feel different. As so is she. Something that I can't get away from like a drug feeling.

It hurts me to know what such a perfect thing has been through and she feels so fragile with me. Like anything can hurt her if I even blink or let my eyes trail from her..

I know people are out to get her from me and I know I'm selfish but I can't pull away. Even when shes filled with anger as like yesterday at the hospital.

I know she's upset. She's disgusted in herself and disappointed that she didn't give back to me which just having her is enough...

She will always be enough. And I'll never choose anything over her. Nothing is strong enough too break my love for her. Even if it's something as a kid which I want so much.

I want her more....

I don't want people to know any of this though. Making my weakness even more transparent as it is already...

As I shake out of my shit I feel her body shuffle. My eyes reaching back and sticking onto her deep sexy ones.

I go instantly hard and feel as I grow intensely. Shifting my lower body away from her in embarrassment...

Her hands reach over her head and her body stretches. A faint and warm moan singing through her mouth..

When she brings her attention back to me she inhales  and lets it escape lowly and smiles big. Raising her mouth to mine and pressing her soft and perfect lips against mine. My hand slithering around her warm back and pulling her closer.

I feel her hands slither around my neck and into my hair. deepening the kiss, my hand moved to her hip and pushes it down. My body on top of hers and looking down against her...

Her mouth pushes away from mine and her hands latch onto my ears. Playing and smooshing then with her fingers.

"Good morning" she whispers softly. My eyes running against her eyes and lips. "Good morning beautiful" I say lowly. My deep and husky morning voice echoing through my entire body...

She blushes gently and I tilt my head in confusion. Her little giggle filling the space and my head falling between her shoulders and neck. Kissing it gently and filling my mouth with and big part of her neck.

She whines softly and wraps her hands around my neck. Running her fingers through my hair and tugging on it gently...

I breath in her addicting scent and shut my eyes. Never wanting a moment like this to end.



My chest is heavy and buried into the soft mattress. Emilios large and heavy weight just sitting on top of me as a bunch of thick blankets piled on top of you would feel like...

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