But they are served... No burned... That's not either it looks disintegrated...

Then they were taken away?

What really happened here?

There are not many marks.... So they got surprised for sure...

But who did that?

There are no traces of someone breaking in like the other buildings.


Or levitation?

Maybe they even flew here... Wait the roof!

If they came from the rooftoo then ther should be some marks if not then they definitely teleported in here.

The moment that thought came into my mind, I immediately started running towards the rooftop of this building. It was not only nailed shut but also made sure that no one could go to the roof. I remembered that fact since 2 kids lost their lives here. It was the sole reason why this school was shut down to begin with.

So without even hesitating I went to the rooftop to check the door but it was still nailed shut. Not only that but there were only two routes in and out of the building. Every other attempt meant breaking something and I would have seen that since I was inspecting the whole school from up do down. There were simply no traces of anyone breaking in.

In order for that to happen there were only two chances which the first one was impossible.

A) Someone snitched on them.


B) Someone teleported in here.

I knew these people and I knew how much they suffered so A) was out of the question.


This is bad!

Now thinking about what I just found out or concluded I started to think about the other places too. There were no break in marks or anything that could indicated that. Not only that but there were no fighting marks unlike here.

I have to get to the bottom to this!

They depended on me!

I can't just let them be.

First of I have to call Tsukauchi!


I'll just go there.

Not as if he doesn't know who I am.


Let's do that.

I hope these people are alright.

Hope and Prayers were all I could do for them for now. I swore to myself that I would fond them and bring them back. That was something they deserved. No one would look for them after all. Who would start to search for people that were abandoned by the system?

No one.

I owed it to them to remember them and to safe them.

Still... I didn't know for how long they were gone. It was after all only now that I found out about this. I hoped I was wrong and they just moved to another place but for all the homeless people to do that at once was a bit unreasonable and out of the blue.

If worse comes to worse then there was a reason for their disappearance. However I didn't wanted to think about that because that meant that I would be too late. It meant that I would never see them again and that was something I couldn't take at the moment. Thus I decided to believe that even one of them is still alive and has faith to survive.

All they had to do was wait.

I would find them for sure!

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now