The voice was familiar.

Too familiar.

And Legos seemed to recognize it for his eyes carried the same look of horror I had.

"Bl...Blake!" Legos stammered despite the blood gushing from his mouth. "You...bastard!"

Then everywhere was coated in blood the as his body was sliced from the chest up. Through the opening of the freshly cut corpse, I could see the sadistic grin look on Mike's face until it fell to the floor.

At least, that was who he was.


The grin on his face grew wider and he took out a knife. "It looks like we really fooled him didn't we Beloved?"

I watched him cut his face in half, grabbed it from the cheek, and started ripping off what looked like pieces of skin showing his real face. When he was done, he unbuttoned his shirt revealing a bodysuit which he used a knife to cut open showing his black sleeveless shirt and different kinds of firearms hidden underneath.

"Like what you see my love?" he asked with a huge blush on his face.

I said nothing.

"You aren't answering me Beloved." he took a few steps closer to me, crouched down, and lifted up my chin. "When you ran away, I thought I was never going to find you until I remembered the day you signed up for something in the cyber cafe. Thanks to a little digging along with a little hacking, I find you."

Then he bopped me on the nose and smiled. "Always trust your instincts Beloved. They lead me straight to you."

Not sure if it was because of shame or fear but I adverted my eyes from him. Suddenly, something was jabbed inside me sending unspeakable pain through my body. I look down to see his fingers inserted inside my injury and yelped when they moved inside me.

"Beloved, your blood is so warm!" he cooed. I scream in pain but he covered my mouth. "My heart leaped for joy when I saw you come out of that death trap alive Sweetheart. Sure I had to do some manipulation of my own to get closer to you but hey! It worked in the end didn't it?"

Hot tears poured from my eyes.

"Why are you doing this huh? You escape from me to engage yourself in something dangerous and now you are giving me the silent treatment when I save your life." he chuckled and leaned closer to my ear. "My, my, Beloved. Where is your gratitude? The least you could do is to thank me and answer my questions. There is no harm in talking to me is there? Hold still, I almost found it."

His fingers dug deeper and deeper into my insides probably doing more harm than good. Feeling my eyes roll to the back of my head, I was about to pass out when it stopped leaving me exhausted.

"Ah there we are." his hands were dripping in my blood as he showed me the small metal pebble. "It's a good thing I found it in time. Legos loves leaving surprises in his victim's bodies. It's his signature thing."

I stared back at him with tears in my eyes as my mind split into half. Part of me was angry with myself for running away while the other part berated me for letting my guard down again.

But a huge part of me wanted to die.

Die and end my suffering.

Die and never see him again.

Murder House (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now