Saved Again

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Suddenly, I was scoped into the air by the same man in red with scribbles across his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to sit too close to the television? It could hurt your eyes," he said.

"I am sorry Papa but I wanted to see Sailor Moon's transformation. It was so amazing." I say in a child-like voice.

He sighs and sits me on his lap.

"I know. But I don't want you to start using glasses when you are a teenager."

I feel the muscles on my face turn into a smile. "It's okay. Maybe I will become a magical girl like them."

With that, I turn to point at the TV. "Aren't they amazing Papa! They get to fight monsters and bad guys with magical powers!"

"True but I want you to grow up to be a normal human being." then I feel fingers on my chin as he makes me face him. "Then you can live life to the fullest."

"Nah! That's boring. When I am a magical girl, I can transform, beat bad guys with my special powers, have many friends, and go on magical adventures!"

"True but have you weighed the consequences of your actions?"

I tilt my head to the right. "What do you mean?"

"There is a reason why they became magical girls and it is not because of the adventures." he pats me on the head. "It's because of the responsibility that comes with it and sometimes, that responsibility is too much for someone to handle."

I huff. "I can handle the responsibility."

He shakes his head. "No, you can't. Look at them."

I do and part of me whines because I had just missed the fight scene. "What about them?"

"They live every day to fighting monsters and bad guys but they don't have enough time to hang out, have fun, spend time with their family, have a normal school life...who knows, they might never get to enjoy the simple pleasures of life."

"But they do enjoy life!" I chirp.


"They go to the hot spring, the museum, and even the aquarum."

"It's pronounced aquarium." then he chuckled. "I didn't know that."

"See! They get to go anywhere they want and have friends because they are magical girls! They even get to see the moon!"

"But have they considered their future?"

I feel the confusion set in my mind. "Huh?"

"Most of these girls will keep fighting foe after foe for the rest of their lives sacrificing their present and future." he pats my head. "And you wanted to be an astronaut in the future didn't you?"

I nod and smile again. "I can be an astronaught and a magical girl can I?"

"You can in the anime but not in real life." then he tipped my chin. "Being a magical girl is a responsibility and you can't balance that with real-life situations. You have to choose which one you want to be and it's hard. If you become a magical girl, you will have to abandon your dreams in exchange for the responsibility that comes with it. If you don't become a magical girl, you can chase your dreams and live a happy and fulfilling life."

"Like you and mom?" I ask.

He smiles. "Yep. Like mom and I."

I feel the sadness set in as I look away.

Murder House (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now