"But that's your choice sweetheart," he says. "Just know that if you do decide to become a magical girl I will support you."

My face brightens up at this. "Really?"

"Yep." he puts his forehead on mine. "I will gladly transform into one to help you with your quest."

This made me laugh. "Sorry, Papa but I can't imagine you wearing a dress!"

"What? You don't think your father can't dress up in a dress? I will call myself .......Ursan Major! Collector of Stars!"

"And I will be Sailor Minor! Keeper of the stars!" I yell and we all laugh at the names which sounded awful. Then the lyrics to the anime's ending brought us back to the present.


He wrapped his arms around me. "I am sorry you missed your show honey."

I sulk.

"But you can read the manga."

This confused me. "Manga?"

He nods.

"What's that?"

"It's a....."

I frown. "What?"

"It's a .....where the anime comes from and what do you know, I have one right here!"

I frown as everything around us started to flicker like a phone on static and when he hands me the manga, the front cover is....blank."

'Wait, why is it?' I look up and see something pointed in front of me.



Eyes flying open with speed, I sit up with a start.

"Took you long enough." said a spiteful voice. "I thought you would never wake up!"

'Wha...' I look around and see a girl kneeling by my bedside with an angry look on her face wearing a school uniform but what caught my attention was the orange long hair tied together in pigtails and the polka dotted stockings.

'I recognize that from anywhere,' I thought. "Osana Najimi."

She glared and the room flickered to the school's hall where she was hanging from a nose on stage then flickered again.

"Are you done staring?" she asks in an annoyed tone.

I groan and touch my head. "What...what happened?"

"Geez! Who knew saving your butt would be such a pain!" she says. "I didn't sign up for this!"

"Saved my what?"

"Duh! I saved your butt remember?" she folds her arms. "That time your crazy boyfriend tied you to a chair and locked you up in a room?"

Then it hit me and the memories came flooding in. Looking at the scars on my hands and arms, I shudder and hug myself.

"Do you know how hard it is to carry you?" she huffed. "Honestly! Why did someone as smart as you allow yourself to get captured by a psycho like him? If I had known that you were going to let your guard down like that, I spooked you into leaving that hotel!"

I feel the headache getting worse by the minute and slowly fall back on my futon.

"Ugh? Don't you die on me! I need you! Hey, are you listening? Wake up, you idiot!"

Murder House (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now