"They'll be here in 4 days" Alice informed once
everyone was together outside on the porch
"This could turn into a blood bath" Carlisle
feared. "Who's behind it?" Edward asked from beside Bella.
"We didn't see anyone we recognised... Maybe
one" Liam said.
"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He
didn't start this" Edward stated
"Whoever it is, is staying out of the action" Alice
"They must be playing with the blind spots in
your visions." Carlisle realized.
"Either way, there's an army coming and there's
not enough of us to protect the town." Jasper
issued. "Hold up! What damn army?" Jacob cut in looking confused as did Embry, Kayden and Quil who stood behind him. Elliana's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, why hadn't she been told this?

"Newborns. Our kind" Carlisle answered
"What are they after?" Embry asked
Alice sighed " They were passing around Bella's scent which also has Elliana's sent on it. Bella's red blouse to be more specific."
"They're after Ellie and Bella?! What the hell
does this mean?" Jacob questioned, looking at the vampires around him.
"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost." Carlisle
Jacob glanced over at Quil, Kayden and Embry who nodded their heads at him.
"Alright," Jake said turning back to the Cullens
"We're in." "No!" Bella whisper yelled at the four boys. "You'll get yourself killed, no way" Bella
continued to try and reason with them.
"I wasn't asking for permission" Jake replied, "what about Elliana? You are all she has." Bella asked on her sister's behalf.
Jake looked at the three boys behind himself before turning back to the others "we're doing this for the both of you."

"Edward?" Bella turned to her boyfriend,
hoping he would take her side.
"If it means more protection for you and Elliana" Edward reasoned making Bella sigh in defeat. Jake looked at Edward, grateful for him taking his side for once.
"Jacob, do you think Sam would agree to an
understanding?" Carlisle asked.
"As long as we get to kill some vampires" Jake
replied. "Jasper?" "They'll give us the numbers." Jasper replied "The Newborns won't know they exist. It'll give us an edge."
"We'll have to coordinate" Carlisle stated
standing up.
"Carlisle! They're going to get hurt!" Bella cried
also getting up.

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns require the skills that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us." Carlisle said to Jacob.
"Alright, name the time and place" Jake agreed
"Jake, you don't know what you're getting
yourself into" Bella tried to persuade him
"Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy.
Look at us, working together." Jake glanced at Bella as he continued "You were the one who wanted us to get along remember?"
"And what are we going to tell Elliana?" Bella asked as she didn't want to tell her little sister anything about this. "We won't" Kayden said shortly not wanting his best friend to be involved in this anymore.
As Kayden said that Elliana had heard enough and started for the door needing some air.


Once Elliana felt she was a good distance away but could still see the house she sat facing the Cullens house as she watched people leaving. She sighed out as she pulled her knees into her chest, suddenly she heard a swoosh of air behind her and thought it was Liam as he had gained the habit of trying to sneak up on her.
"Liam don't even, I'm not in the mood- you know what why are you on their side! Why are you hiding the fact that I'm in dang-" she was cut off as she was grabbed by her throat and slammed into the tree she was sitting in front of. She gasped out in shock as she saw the red head and Riley standing before her now.
There were voices off in the distance as if someone was yelling for something or someone, "we need to turn her now!" The red head said as she walked forward and gripped onto Elliana's wrist. Riley moved one hand to her shoulder as the other turned her face to the side, "don't kill her Riley, we have to turn her but make it last as long as possible so the Cullens find her" Riley smirked as he brushed his nose along the side of her neck.
Victoria pulled her wrist to her mouth and bit down, Riley followed in pursuit making his teeth sink into her neck.

Elliana started to scream out as it felt like her body was starting to catch fire, there were sounds of movement in the surrounding trees before the two vampires retracted their fangs and let the girl crumble to the forest floor. The movements in the trees came to a stop as the Cullens split up with the wolfs minus Kayden as they followed after Victoria and Riley.
Carlisle stepped towards the girl who was gasping on the floor, Liam and Blaze came running back after being told to go back to Carlisle and help. Kayden sat on the floor and pulled his best friends head into his lap, "shh, your ok Els we got you" the young boy whispered to the girl as she continued to gasp and started to move as the burning in her body started to get worse. "Kay- Kayden, I- I don't wanna die- please" Elliana whimpered out as she started to cry, Kayden whipped the tears from her cheeks as more people started to reappear.

"DO SOMETHING!" Kayden cried out to the Vampires before them, "SHES DYING! AND YOUR NOT DOING ANYTHING!" He screamed out as his best friend continued to struggle but started to move uncomfortably as the venom started to spread more. Liam and Blaze fell to the girls sides and Carlisle walked over to them quickly, " you two have to suck the venom out" Carlisle said before he was interrupted by the young girl breaking out in to screams as she started to whither in agony.
"DO IT NOW OR SHE DIES!" Carlisle yelled at the two boys who were looking over the girl, "don it please! I-I can't lose her! Not again!" Kayden pleaded with the two vampires, he couldn't lose her again. Liam and Blaze shared a look of uncertainty before Liam took her wrist and brought it to his mouth and Blaze pulled the girl up from her position on Kayden's lap, they both looked at each other before biting into the girls open wounds.
Elliana screamed louder at the pain of having their fangs digging into her skin. Slowly she started to get quiet as the two boys cleaned her blood, "her blood is clean" Carlisle said to the two boys and they were pulled off of her as they showed no sign of stoping.

Embry and Quil shoved to two boys to the ground and growled out, "he said she's fine now", the two vampires pulled away from the wolfs and started towards the bleeding girl.
Emmet and Edward quickly grabbed the two boys and started to pull them back towards the house.
"Take her back to Sams place, I'll be there soon" Quil, Embry and Kayden waisted no time in picking up the small girl whom was now unconscious and starting their treck back to Sam and Emily's but not before glaring at the vampires.

Forever In Your Eyes.                       ~Alec Volturi~Where stories live. Discover now