Chapter fifty-two

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I was awoken before dawn, a shaky figure grasping my shoulders. I leaped forward me fist flying into the air and colliding into a hard substance.

"Ow! Shuck!"

"Minho?" I asked, squinting into the darkness. "Really feeling the love, Joanie," he muttered. He lifted a lantern that had been resting, hidden by the bed. One arm was rubbing his shoulder. "Didn't know you had it in you,"

I winced, "sorry,"

He clamped a hand over my mouth. "Shhhh! Geez, you're so loud," he said, and pointed towards Newt, who was still, miraculously sleeping. "He sleeps like a brick," I murmured, and Minho just shrugged. "Not usually, must be exhausted," he explained. I groaned as I got off the bed. "Wouldn't blame him,"

We made our way towards the dead heads, and I just followed Minho trying to look as stealthy as possible.

At least I tried.

"You're a clumsy shucking egg," he had murmured once, and I don't think I was meant to hear. "What the shuck is a clumsy egg," I had replied. "You," he simply stated.

I took in the familiar environment and began a steady pace. It was a place I had gone too many times. The wall at the back of the forest.

I almost tripped when I abruptly stopped. Could Minho have known about my place?

"Joanie? You coming? We don't shucking have all day," he asked, raising his eyebrows. I cleared my throat, "um, yeah... I was wondering... Why are we here?" I asked sheepishly. He chuckled, "like you, Thomas likes to take naps with the beetle blades," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed, "wait, was that a reference to the deadheads or the homeste-"

"Oh come on Joanie! Now you've gone and made it weird," he said, throwing his hands up. "Yah shucking pervert," he mumbled.

I laughed nervously "me?! Okay Minho, whatever helps you sleep at night," I said before I could think. "Wait no I didn't me-"

"Too late," he cut me off. I rolled my eyes as we stumbled upon a sleeping Thomas.

"He looks so peaceful," I whispered, smiling a little. "Geez..." Minho murmured, "why don't we make him a flower crown and place it on his head! Let's skip around and make BFF'S with the Grievers. We'll have makeovers too!" He said sarcastically. "I think I know why the glade worked so well without girls," he added.

I put my hands on my hips. "Yeah, scared greenies and Griever sleepovers really lighten up my days,"

Minho smiled dramatically, "sure does!"

He nudged Thomas with his toe, "hey thomas. Hey shank. Get up," Minho poked him. "Wait..." Thomas stirred. "If you don't get up right now I will squat down and take a Klunk right on you fat face," Minho sassed, kicking Thomas.

He bolted upright, "I'm up I'm up!" He said, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. He looked up and smiled slightly at me. "Hey Joanie," Thomas said. "Hey," I waved. Thomas stood up and brushed past me. "Crispy,"


"In my mouth," Minho added, rolling his eyes. "Wow, you're clever," Thomas muttered.

Minho led us to a back door behind the looming homestead, it's shadow making a false night in the lightening morning. We went into a dark room, minhos flashlight searching the room. Chains and ropes cast shadows until the flashlight finally landed on a box. A box filled with shoes. "That right there's the number one supply we get," Minho announced. "At least for us. They send new ones in the Box every so often. If we had bad shoes, we'd have feet that look like freaking Mars." He bent over and rummaged through the pile. "What size you wear?"

"Size?" Thomas shrugged at me. "I don't know?" He said. I rolled my eyes. "Check your shoe, dummy" I laughed, doing what I said. He followed my lead, while I read mine. "Women 8,"

Thomas looked back up. "Eleven,"

"Geez, shank, you got big feet." Minho stood up holding a pair of sleek silver ones. "But looks like I've got some-man, we could go canoeing in these things."

"Those are fancy." Thomas took them and walked out of the closet to sit on the ground. Minho handed me a small similar pair, the design slightly different. "These came up with the last box. All shucking girly and what not," he murmured, thrusting them into my hands. I pulled them onto my feet, when a watch was thrown onto Thomas.

"Only Runners and Keepers get these," Minho said, and I looked down at my wrist. I had gotten mine when I became a keeper. It's sleek, black surfaces felt weird against my skin. I almost always forgot to wear it. "Put it on and never take it off. Your life might depend on it." Minho looked at me as he said this, so I fake grinned and dramatically saluted. Minho continued talking. "Here's a backpack, water bottles, lunch pack, some shorts and T-shirts, other stuff." He nudged Thomas, who looked up. Minho was holding out a couple of pairs of tightly cut underwear, made from a shiny white material. "These bad boys're what we call Runnie-undies. Keeps you, um, nice and comfy."
"Nice and comfy?"
"Yeah, ya know. Your-"
"Yeah, got it."
I blushed durning the awkward moment. Geez, get a room. Minho handed me a similar backpack, it was slightly smaller for my smaller frame. "So Joanie," Minho said, smirking. But I could see a hint of a blush in his face. "This also came up in the box, how's it look on me?" Minho held something to his chest.

It was a sports bra.

I flushed red, "give me that!" I screeched. He held it away, but one death glare and a clenched fist was all it took for him to hand it to me. "So you wanna be a girl so bad? The only thing stopping you is practically the size of a pea, so I won't hesitate to cut off your-"

"Sorry, why don't we take a step outside so I don't choke on the tension. You can go compare claws alone," Thomas interrupted, my mouth still ready to scream at Minho.

I glared at Minho as we walked to another part of the room.

Oh it is on.



I am SOOOO sorry for not updating. Life has been the most ultimately CRAZYY. TESTING has been KILLING me. And I have an orchestra concert next week so 😵😵😫😫😫 stress.


- :)

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