Chapter twenty-one

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Hold up.

Gally and I bolted forwards, "what kinda shuck thing is going on!" He yelled. "Minho we didn't agree to this!" I shouted.

"I know," he winked. "But this time it's a little different. So Gally, I'm guessing, you don't want your sister to kiss one of these shanks,"

Gally nodded. "So you'll be guarding her, she'll be tied up and gagged. In order to win, you must defeat Gally, and rescue the fire princess," I rolled my eyes. Two boys came and tied me up, before I could protest, they gagged me.

"Everyone face the wall," he said, and himself included, "Gally, go hide her, you get 5 minutes,"

Gally sprinted off with me, taking off my leg ties so we could run. We ran up the stairs of the homestead, and into one of the rooms. I sat on the bed as he retied my legs.

I heard him mumble "stupid shanks" and "yea right"

He walked out the door, and left me in silence. The room was dark, it's eerie glow casting dancing shadows. Out the window, I could see the glow of the fire, and then a group of boys scattering.

It was fve minutes before I heard some ruckus below. The shouts of boys echoed, and I heard a cry of defeat. I hoped Gally had won, I didn't know who was down there.

The door swung open, and Gally burst in. He seemed to sigh in relief, "just checking," he said.

I heard a few more fights, always Gally winning. Every so often he came to check up on me.

About 30 minutes later, the door burst open while I heard fight below. Gray eyes, aka Andy, burst through. I could hear Gally pounding up the stairs.

Gray eyes advanced towards me, but then Gally was there. They fought.



Then gray eyes smirked, "don't worry, I'll take care of your sister. She's in good hands,"

That sent my brother over the edge. He flung forward, hitting the stick right where it hurts, and he crumpled to the ground.

"You know, I think I'm good," he retorted. After reluctantly trudging downstairs, Gally went back down, a smirk playing his face.

I sighed with relief. Gray eyes, ew.

I shuddered.

It wasn't another ten minutes till there was violent commotion downstairs. The door burst open again, in stepping Minho and Newt.

Gally was no where to be found. "Newt and I are the only ones left. Took care of big brother down there,"

A butterfly feeling emerged deep in my gut, trying to get free. Like it or not I was going to kiss one of them, one of my bestfriends.

And honestly I'm not sure how to react.

"So it's bloody gonna be one of us," Newt sighed, then they spun on eachother. "Oh, some pretty shucked up stuff happens around here, but this I never expected," Minho laughed.

That makes two of us.

The sparring began. They jabbed and dodged. I could see Newt struggling with his limp leg. But it didn't stop him. Though Minho was super in shape, Newt looked like he had lots of skill.

I could see strategies working in their heads. Then, it seemed to click in newts mind. He jabbed Minho's left causing him to dodge right. Suddenly, Newt threw his stick to the right, where Minho just landed. The stick bounced off his shoulder, making a paint mark on his shoulder.

Minho seemed to stare at it in shock, then smiled. "She's all yours,"

And that's when it hit me.

Newt won. He came over and gently untied me, while Minho started walking to the fire.

The butterflies were stronger than ever and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it. I hoped newt didn't.

We walked in awkward silence towards the fire, and when the boys saw us coming, hoots, cheers and catcalls followed. I heard,

"Alright Newt!"

"That shank!"

"Someone's happy!"

I shakily came to the middle, unsure what to do. Minho walked up, "alright, whenever you guys are ready," he said, turning Newt towards me.

What do I do? I couldn't think of anything.


Newt cleared his throat, then turned to the crowd, raising a hand to quiet them. I looked questionably at him, and he smiled.

"Alright, you bloody shanks, let me tell you something. Unlike you, I'm not going to force her to do anything. She had not known about this, so I will not force her. I do not need my... Prize," he finished.

He is such a good friend I can't even. I thanked him secretly, but at the same time, a little part of me felt... Disappointed?

I turned to him, giving him a hug. He hugged back, and his warm touch sent goosebumps towards me.

Something has changed between us. The boys chattered while drinking some vile substance. I wandered aimlessly, enjoying the light hearted feeling. A hand clamped my shoulder, and I spun around to see Newt.

"Wanna take a walk?" He asked, and I nodded. We walked to the deadheads, leaving the soft chaos behind us.

He boosted me up a tree that had a long, horizontal branch. He hoisted himself beside me, to my right.

"I really liked what you did. These shanks don't laugh as much as they should," he commented, making me feel proud.

I put this together. A smile emerged on my face, "that's why I did it," I stated simply. I turned to face him, his face a slight glow from the distant flames. He was staring at me, so I turned once more to the fires.

Turning back I saw he hadn't change, but something inside me did. We both seemed to simultaneously leaned forward. And what happened next wasn't forced, it was what we wanted.

Our lips met and I exploded inside.

I guess he got his prize after all.

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