Chapter fourty-five

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"I do know her," Thomas whispered leaning back in his chair. I groaned, "same,"

The pressing heaviness on my chest seemed to vanish, and I was glad I told one of the few people I trust. I hurts to know that I used to trust everyone in the glade. "Newt stood up. "What? Who is she?"

I shrugged, "I only recognize her,"

Thomas turned to Newt, "No idea. But something clicked-I know her from somewhere," he sighed. "Well, keep bloody thinking-don't lose it. Concentrate."

"I'm trying, so shut up." Was all I heard since I had closed my eyes. I know her from somewhere. The creeping crevices in my murky mind were being blocked from something. Wait. I had heard names in my dreams- my memories. And... I had heard Thomas. I don't know why I had never recalled it before. It was in the dream. The dream where Adam and I could... Talk in our heads.

"Thomas..." I mumbled. He turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "I-I've heard your name before, in a memory I had. Hers too, but I can't remember," I groaned in frustration,"

Newt squished up his face, and sighed. "You bloody have to. Both of you,"

Thomas leaned forward, "I just don't-"

"What the hell!" I jumped from my chair, inching away from the bed. Thomas was up too, and he had knocked over his chair in shocked surprise. "What's wrong?" Newt asked. "Did ya remember somethin'?"

"We wouldn't remember at the same time. You heard it too?" I asked Thomas, turning to him. "I..." He looked between the girl and Newt. "Newt, did you say something before I stood up?" He asked, what about you Joanie?"

"No," we said simultaneously. Well, if Thomas is asking us, then he didn't say anything. "Oh. I just thought I heard something ... I don't know. Maybe it was in my head. Did ... she say anything?" He asked, as a shocked revelation came to my mind. It was in our heads. It was the thing, from my memories. Adam and I could talk in our heads. I snapped my head up to them as Newt answered, I wasn't going to say anything. Yet. Until I know for sure.

"Her?" Newt asked, his eyes lit up. "No. Why? What did you hear?"

"I ... I swear I heard a name -,"

"-Teresa." I interrupted, and Thomas stared wide eyed at me.

"Teresa? No, I didn't hear that. Must've sprung loose from your bloody memory blocks! That's her name, Tommy. Teresa. Has to be. Must've mumbled it to joannah"

"But Thomas didn't tell me. I heard it too. At the exact. Same. Time." I said, feeling the words out on my tongue. "It was in my head," I whispered. "It was ... I swear I heard it. But in my mind, man. I can't explain it." Thomas nodded, agreeing with me.

Thomas. Joannah.

I heard a crash as Thomas stumbled across the room, knocking over multiple items. A lamp fell to its shattering death as I darted around for an object to protect myself. I'm not sure from what. I gripped the remains of the lamp, and directed wild eyes at the girl.

Her voice was sweet, whispery. Yet mysterious in a mask of unseen words. "What the hell do you want! How do you know me!" I screamed, my knuckles white around the lamp.

"What's bloody wrong with you?" Newt asked. I tried to push down the sickening thump inside me, like a rock falling through my windpipe. I must look like a psycho in front of my boy friend. "She's ... she's freakin' talking to me. In my head. She just said my name!" Thomas frantically explained.

"What?" Newt a astonished eyes met mine. "He-He's right! She's in there. I-I can't... She's talking to both of us in our heads,"

"Are you kidding?" Newt asked, his voice having a hint of wary. "I swear!" I screamed, my voice becoming hoarse from the forced pleas. Thomas bounced on his face, a constant tap tapping. "I'm ... hearing her voice in my head-or something ... it's not really a voice...."

"Tommy, Joanie, sit your butt down. What are you bloody talking about?" He asked. "Newt, I'm serious. It's ... not really a voice ... but it is." I tried to explain, waving around the lamp post.

Tom, were he last ones. It'll end soon. It has to.

"STOP IT!" I screamed, my voice completely drowning everything out as I slammed my hands over my ears. The lamp came once more to a splitting fall to the floor. I dropped as well, and began to rock back and forth. "GETOUTGETOUTGETOUT! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Joan, don't freak out on me.

My eyes were shut so hard, red, green and violet spots swam before the murky abyss. "Please leave me alone..." I hiccuped, my voice now an almost inaudible whisper. A pale, cowardly voice in comparison to the crazy, dauntless screaming.

My memory's fading already, Tom. I won't remember much when I wake up. Joan, you need to get it together. We can pass the Trials. It has to end. They sent me as a trigger.

Newts questions were a mere whisper in the back of my mind. I hear the door open, and I wrenched my eyes open, to see Thomas darting. I followed him, my instinct taking over.

Everything is going to change

The voice was there, I could still hear the lisp of her last words.

I knew I was on the cusp of my memories. The crisp wind tearing up my eyes as I ran. I just followed Thomas, and it took me a few seconds to realize we were outside the glade. And I was glad. I couldn't endure anymore peering eyes, and unwelcome glares. At a turn, Thomas went one way, and I decided to take control, and turn the other.

My feet planted at a dead end right when the voice came back.

It was you and me, Tom. Joan and adam. We did this to them. They did this to them. We all did it. To us.

And I began to climb.

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