Chapter twenty-six

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It was about an hour until the doors closed. The fire pit was raging, and the musicians were playing. We could only have half of the celebration today. I walked up to frypan, who was sitting in the kitchen, unsure what to prepare.

"Hey fry," I waved, as he absentmindedly waved back. "So, I had a dinner planned," I said, then looked up at me. "Yeah I know, I also don't know what to cook," he stated, slumping do. I smiled, and threw him a small box. "Macaroni?" He laughed, "this ain't gonna feed all those shanks," he laughed. "That's why I have 55 boxes,"

His mouth gaped open, then quickly spread into a grin. "I'll get started," he exclaimed, turning to some pots. I skipped out, to join the fire pit. I saw Newt and Thomas chatting, and went to join them. When they saw me approach, I heard Thomas shout. "Hey! It's newts girlfriend!"

Everyone turned to face me, they hadn't known. Except for a few gladers who snickered, and I'm guessing they knew because of a little birdie named Minho. As if to make a point, Newt walked towards me, and kissed me right in front of everyone.

Cheers and hoots broke out, and I heard someone laugh, "where's Gally at?"

Where was Gally at?

We pulled away, his hands on my waist, causing jolts of electricity to run up my spine. Minho walked up, a smug look on his face, "alright, Newt, way to go. I mean, you beat me to it buddy," Minho started, nudging me with his hip, "seriously though, I'm happy for you guys,"

I was actually glad everyone knew. Maybe it would stop the flirts. Well, actually, a few of them were quite entertaining.

Let's just say, someone tried to impress me, and got a dislocated shoulder. Thomas awkwardly advanced forwards, clutching a bowl of macaroni. "Soooo, any thing I Should... Do?" He asked, and I laughed at how awkward he was. Chuck was at his side, "listen Thomas, all you got to do is pass my line, and you get a deluxe hammock," he laughed, causing Thomas to look extremely confused.

The fire made my skin sizzle as I turned to face it. The marshmallows were being passed out, everyone extremely excited For the fluffy delight. Newt walked over to me, intertwining our arms. "So what'd you think of the bloody greenie," Newt asked, "I think he's a lucky shank that Alby didn't kill him today," I joked.

Newt turned to me, "how'd that happen anyway?" I sighed, "Gally being a slinthead. We're not talking," I stated, trying to change the subject. A worried look crossed newts face, "I haven't seen him around,"

As of on cue, I saw Gally over by the builders, they were laughing about something. A saddened look must've over come my face, because Newt whispered at me, "he's your brother you know?"

I bit my lip, before disconnecting my self from Newt. Gallys buddies saw me coming, and nudged his shoulder. He muttered something before they walked away, stealing glances at me. I cleared my throat, the tension as palpable as the smoke arising behind me. "Joanie," he grunted. "Gally,"

"I'm sorry," we said simultaneously. We stepped back, before stepping forward some more. "I-"





I cut him off by pulling him into a hug. His warm embrace overwhelmed me, as I breathed in the scent of wood and smoldering ashes. "I can't lose you," he whispered. "I need you to respect my decisions," I said, pulling away, sounding like a teenager trying to convince her parents of something.

He paused, glanced around, I knew at Newt and Thomas, then faced me, "but that means I can't advise you against it,"

"Key word, advise," I laughed, pushing me slightly, "whatever shuck face,"

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