Chapter ten

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The light that seemed to come from no where awakened me.

I went to stretch my arms when I realized I was leaning against something. Or, more like someone.

Adam was still soundly asleep, his breaths even. His ginger hair was slightly messy and underneath closed eyes I could imagine his amazing blue-green eyes.

His strong arms were wrapped around me. I tried not to wake him as I rose but he stirred and his eyes shot open. Jumping back slightly he looked around where he was, dazed. I smiled and laughed, his confusion amusing.

He laughed up at me before turning serious, "oh my god, what about running?" He said surprised. "Wait!" I called as he grabbed my wrist and began sprinting. I was surprisingly able to keep up to his pace, which was very fast. We made it too the homestead in a matter of minutes.

Minho looked up when he saw us coming, stricken surprise eminent. "Where the shuck were you slintheads!? newts worried sick, gallys threatening everyone and Adam, you missed your run!" Minho sighed, exasperated.

"Sorry we were together in the deadheads," Adam explained.

The color from Minhos faced drained before he smiled wildly. "So you two were kissing," he concluded. "NO!" We both shouted, "we were talking and we fell asleep, that's all," I said, but Minho smiled bigger, "that's all," I concluded, before being spun around by Gally, "where the SHUCK were you SHANKS?!" He yelled. He turned to Adam, "is it your fault?!"

Before Adam could utter an excuse Minho interrupted, "they were kissing," he said blatantly. Gally turned red, "I just realized that I got a little sister and NOW I deal with all the drama!" He shouted, then turned calm, "Adam you're dead,"

He advanced pulling back his fist when I yelled, "we weren't kissing!" He turned around, "then what as he talking about?" He pointed to Minho who was laughing on the floor.

"You guys were kissing?!" It was newt. And he didn't sound happy.

"NO!" Adam and I shouted.


"We fell asleep in the woods,"
I said, rolling my eyes. "This shank just tried to be funny," I shouted. Minho laughed even harder, rolling on the floor. He gasped between laughs.

"You... Sound so... Ridiculous... When you use glader slang," he choked out between heavy gasps of fitful laughter. I started to chuckle as did everyone, and we're all soon laughing like crazy people.

When we recovered I covered my eyes through the squinting light. Newt advanced towards me, "time to go," he said. I turned serious, nodding. It was time for my job. My time to fit in.

I don't know what it was, maybe my nervousness, but I started humming a song as we walked, Minho on my left and newt on my right, Adam had gone for breakfast, and Gally was yelling at some gladers.

"You made that up yourself?" Newt questioned. "No," I shrugged. They both spun to me, "so you shucking remember it?" Minho asked. "You guys don't know any songs?" I asked, confused. They both looked at each other and shook heads. "Do you know the words?" He asked and I nodded. "Sing," Minho demanded.

I immediately became self conscious and turned red. But I sang,
"Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my fam'ly's heart-"

Newt grabbed my arm, cutting me off, "we need to go now," we arrived at the gathering. Newt Rushed to alby as Minho placed me in a chair facing only the keepers. Alby rose, his chair squeaking, and the murmur of gladers going to a hush.

"We've had an unexpected... Variable," he started, "Joannah, other than knowing gallys her brother, knows songs," he said. Murmurs broke out and alby hushed them. "I don't think this matters much, but everything counts," he stated.

Someone, I think zart, shouted, "let's here her sing,"

I nodded and began the song as before

"Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my fam'ly's heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?"

The sound that vibrates through my throat was new. It was light and strong, and memorized the gladers. The song itself said a lot. To think that was the first song I remembered, because I could relate all too well.

When I looked at myself for the first time on the mirror I just saw a girl. I don't know who I am, and even though seeing myself should've helped, it just looked shell. Who I was, was hidden inside of me, and just by seeing a face didn't help. The only thing that stood out were my eyes.

They seemed so full of joy, but a heavy burden weighed them, as if the universe itself rested in them.

The song explained exactly how I felt it, was uncanny.

I still silence seemed to last until alby stood up. "Well, that is something to discuss later. We've decided, like some gladers here, you'll be doing a little bit of multiple jobs. Keepers, please rise,"

Frypan, Clint and Jeff rose. Newt beamed.

Alby continued, "alright Joannah, congratulations your are now-"

"No," I cut him off. Everyone gawked at my rebellion.

Then it clicked. Something that seemed so right it could mean only one thing.

"I propose a new job,"

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