Chapter nineteen

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After refusing to answer anymore of chucks questions, we continued to part 2 of my plan.

"Hey!" Everyone turned expectantly towards me, "part two is here! Newt is passing out some sticks with balls ok the end. By the fire here, I have a tub of paint. We are going to play survival. In order to get someone out, you have to poke them with the ball. And we'll know when you're out! You'll have a paint mark! When you're out, make your way to the fire pit, turn in your stick, and wait. You can make alliances, but to win, it's the last person standing!"

They cheered, and took turns dumping there stick in the bucket. "If you need more, just come and get some!" I exclaimed.

After everyone had finished, and decided Alby as referee. Chuck turned to me, and said he wanted to be a referee too. I shouted to leave and everyone scattered.

I clutched my stick, dashing through the deadheads, treading so lightly I barely heard the crunching of leaves. I know probably a lot of gladers came through here, but it's better than being in the open.

I stopped, hiding behind a tree, making the decision to start taking the offensive.

I scoped the area, looking hard, when I noticed a figure crouched in a bush, a few feet away. I know they saw me, I was close.

The crouched figure dashed forward at an alarming speed. I ran to the side, dodging last minute. Pushing them from behind with my feet, both of us tumbled to the ground. I rose quickly, pointing my stick. They turned on to their back, my stick a few inches away.

It was Minho.

"Oh, Minho?" I asked, slacking, but he took the advantage. He leaped up, kicking the stick away, making it clatter to the ground.

He pushed me towards a tree, his arm ok my shoulders, holding me back. We were really close, and his other arm was pointing his stick.

"Hey Joanie,"

I smiled, "Minho, we've both out smarted eachother. We'd make a great team," I sugar coated. I moved my face closer, "we could take all of them down," I whispered, centimeters apart. I was acting this way, I know how Minho is, and maybe this sort of persuasion would work.

"I don't know, I kinda like where we are now," he whispered, going closer. "Come on," I said.

"I have one condition," he said.


"You have to kiss me,"

I laughed, "nice try,"

He rolled his eyes, "fine, on the cheek then," I leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. I probably blushed, then pulled away. "Next time won't be so easy," he laughed, pulling away.

We trotted through the leaves until we finally came across another person. It wasn't someone I knew, so Minho and I exchanged a look that said we were watching our first victim.

Minho suddenly stood up, then whispered out of the corner of his mouth, "I'll distract,"

I crawled away as he shouted, "hey yah shank! You slinthead think you can get me!"

The stranger darted forward, but I was there, jabbing the stick in his side. He tumbled to the floor, then murmured, "alright, slintheads, that was slick, but you got me," he laughed. We helped him up, and he went on his way.

We got 6 more people down, and we're finding our 7th. All of a sudden, a figure jumped down from a tree, landed on me, and whispered, "who are you?"

Before I could answer, minho was on top of him. But I had recognized the voice, "Minho wait It's Newt!" I shouted.

"Joanie?" Newt asked.

I helped him up, Minho backing up. "Come to join our party?" Minho asked, "ain't the same without you, shank,"

"Alright, why bloody not?" He answered. "How many people you got out?" I asked, "3" he answered. We smiled, "double,"

He chuckled, "okay, hot shots, let's make it triple,"

We got 5 more people out, a group of three and a group of two. While we trotted through the woods, in silence, it's air enclosing us, we came across a group of five.

They charged at us, but when they were 5 feet away, halted. The leader had risen an arm. "Joanie?"

I turned to my team mates, "okay it's Gally, I know he's my brother so this will be the best prank ever. I'll act all good, then get him, then we take his team," I whispered, then turned back, "yep!"

He laughed and advanced. "Okay, how's it going?" He asked. "I'm good, just forgot was I was going to say," I laughed, and we hugged, "oh I remember," I exclaimed. "Sorry about sibling rivalry," I muttered, sarcastically. Jabbing him, I turned to the fighting going on around me.

I took down one person, then Newt took another, then Minho two.

Gally was laughing on the floor, "that's one thing we have in common, being competitive," he laughed, getting up. "Yeah, but now we know who's better,"

They continued on, and so did we.

We got person after person, then saw one group fight another. We took down the winners.

After refilling our sticks, and scouring the entire glade, we were the only ones left. None of us said anything, but we all knew it. I turned to newt, "hey, I need to tell you something," I said. He looked suspicious, but I put on a worried look.

"What?" He asked. "I saw something, it was big and-" I made my eyes wide, "what?!" He whispered intensely. I grinned widely, "you're so gullible," I laughed, jabbing him with my stick.

He was pushed back, looked towards his shirt, then threw his hands in the air, "and I thought I bloody knew you, ya little bugger," he laughed, then started to walk away, "good luck with Minho,"

I walked back to the waiting Minho. "Where's Newt go?" He asked. I sighed, "disposed of,"

He sucked in a breath, "so it's come to this,"

"I guess so," I sighed, and we spring into action. I jabbed, he dodged, and vice versa. Sooner or later he had me backed up to a tree, once again.

"Minho..." I whined. But he laughed, "not a chance,"

Then got his stick and smeared all the paint on my face. I wrinkled my nose.

He smiled, letting out a laugh.

"So I guess this means I win,"

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