Chapter fourty-four

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I felt myself being placed in a bed. There was mumbling around me, like s surround sound speaker. I am sick and tired of being injured. In sick and tired of being useless. I'm sick and tired, of being sick and tired.

I slept for a while, the fogginess in my brain already cleared. A creaking sound pricked my senses, but I evened my breathing, trying to mock sleep.

"You can stop the charades," a sneering voice laughed. My eyes shot open to reveal none other than gray eyes. "What do you want..." I croaked, still groggy from my slam to the head. "So you're still with Newt?" He asked, getting closer. I nodded, pushing my rigid back to the door frame. "I haven't seen your brother around," Andy commented. I cringed at the mention of Gally.

"It's easier with him out of the way," he finished. I snapped my head up. "What?"

"Believe it or not, I'm not scared of Newt," he laughed. I shot up from the bed, standing in front of him. "What does that mean?" I asked, trying to conjure up his train of thought. "That means, even if he finds out what I did, I won't care," he growled. A feeling of dread overcame me like a wave. "What did you do?" I whispered, stepping closer.

"Well I haven't done it yet," he laughed. He flew from his relaxed posture, to pushing me up against the wall. "Help! He-" I was interrupted when he slammed his lips against mine.

Mumbles of words trying to crawl out of my mouth were blocked. I began to pound on the wall, but he grabbed my arms. Somehow, rope appeared. He bound my arms together, and pulled away. "I'm going to have fun with you," he paused, "before I throw you to the Grievers. For good,"

He began kissing me again, his hands trailing down my neck. My legs kicked the wall hard, and I ignore the numbing pain. He reached down, and tied my feet together. He trailed his fingers across my body as he rose. "HELP!" Was all I got out before he crashed his lips against mine again. I was sobbing, and I hadn't noticed.

Tears and cries racked my body, as my chest heaved with heavy breaths. I felt my pants begin to unzip, when the door burst open. I felt the pressure from Andy's body release, and I dropped to the floor. Because I was bound, I couldn't push myself up to see what was happening. The burning ropes chafed my skin as I pulled against them. I could feel warm blood drip down my arm. The tickling sensation itched at me to scratch my wrists, but I just wiggled. I flipped myself over to look at the door. Andy was on the floor, a bloody mess of his face. A figure was on top of him, a sickening crack sounding every time their fist hit his face. My vision cleared as the figure turned into Newt.

I couldn't let him do this. No matter how much I hated Andy, newt would get the rap for this. I threw myself in front of him, and felt a punch hit my gut. I sore pain exploded as I cried out. I felt like throwing up, as I cringed on the floor.

"No..." The voice was newts, and I looked up. "It's okay... It's okay... I'm fine," I gasped, ignoring the pain, and stumbled into a sitting position. "If you could please untie me," I said, the pain beginning to subside. His eyes widened at my bounds, and he began to mumble. "Did he...-"

"No he didn't get far. Mostly the ropes were because... He wanted to banish me. With you guys, or not," I gasped, letting the truth spill out. I wonder how many more people want to do the same. Newt recovered from his daze, and untied me. I cried out as the blood now flowed freely.

"Jeff!" Newt called. "Hurry!"

They rushed into the room and take in the sight. "So this is what happens when I leave you alone?" Jeff sighs, rubbing a hand across his face. "Patch her up, then him. We got bloody work to do," Newt growled.

They didn't even ask any questions. My wrists were bandaged and so were my ankles. I left as they lifted andy's unconscious body onto the bed were I had lay an hour ago.

We met Thomas is the hall. "What was that!? I heard a lot... Struggling..." He looked between us, and I blushed. "Andy was a ... Problem," I said, but Thomas was still confused. "He bloody attacked her, tommy," Newt supplied, rolling his eyes. Thomas paled, "was he stung like-like Ben?"

I shook my head, "he wanted to banish me, but also wanted... A little something else," I choked on the awkwardness. Thomas's eyes widened, as we pushed past into the room. "I don't think he bloody got what you were saying," Newt whispered. "There goes his innocence," I laughed, but Newt didn't smile.

"Hey, Clint," newt said, wearing a mask of calm. "She surviving?"

"Yeah," Clint answered. "She's doing fine, though she talks in her sleep all the time. We think she'll come out of it soon. By the way, where'd jeff go?"

I tensed, "he's dealing with stuff,"

"Have you been writin' down every word she says?" Newt asked, trying to change the subject.

Clint nodded. "Most of it's impossible to understand. But yeah, when we can."
Newt pointed at a notepad on the nightstand. "Give me an example."

"Well, the same thing she said when we pulled her out of the Box, about things changing. Other stuff about the Creators and how 'it all has to end.' And, uh ..." Clint looked at Thomas and I warily.

"It's okay-they can hear whatever I hear," Newt assured him.
"Well ... I can't make it all out, but ..." Clint looked at us again, "she keeps saying their names over and over,"

What? I was still perplexed about another girl, but her ties to Thomas and I just hyped up our chances of getting assassinated. "Thanks, Clint," Newt said. "Get us a report of all that, okay?"

"Will do." The Med-jack nodded at both of them and left the room.
"Pull up a chair guys," Newt said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

We did as he asked, and Thomas leaned over to look at her. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at the person that was probably being accused of a lot of stuff. If people thought I should be banished, imagine what they'd do to her. And I have a feeling it has something to do with my own creations.

"Anything ring a bell?" Newt asked. "Anything at all?"

I ripped my eyelids open, and forced myself to look at her. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the murky light, and it was a contrast to her raven hair. I could pinpoint every single strand, in a wavy, shining stream. I imagined her piercing blue eyes behind those delicate eyelids. They look like satin.

And it was now, when I knew I would screw myself over. Because in the back of my head, and the back of my heart:

I knew her.

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