Chapter twelve

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I stormed out the room and the tears fell like a torrent, clouding my vision, causing me to stumble and fall. A strong hand reached down to help me, but when I saw who I pushed him away.


"Gally go away," I sobbed. Gray eyes and another boy, lifted me to my feet, then dragged me to the slammer. My shoes scraped against the rocks and I fought violently. I remembered my old plan, and remembered I abandoned it for these people. These gladers in which I mistrusted.

But my fear of the maze was overwhelming.

But not overwhelming enough. I gripped someone's arm, digging my nails in. And sprinted, behind me hearing a wail of pain.

I knew I was unbelievably fast, adrenaline participating. I hesitated at the doors, my breath hitching. I looked back, everyone was catching up, newt, Minho and Adam the first. I looked at each of there faces, Minho was fearful, newt was worried, and Adam was hurt.

My three best friends, I'm hurting them. Behind them Gally sprinted along side catching up, he was not exactly angry anymore, except complete horror filled his eyes. I turned back around and looked at the doors.

I took a step forward. But instead of sprinting, I spun around. They all immediately stopped at the doors. "Come on Joannah, step over," alby stated calmly. I shook my head, chuckling sarcastically. "No way,"

All of a sudden Adam stepped over the line. Shouts and protests erupted. "Adam get back here!" Alby shouted. He chuckled sarcastically. "No way,"

He sprinted towards me, and I made a run for it. "Adam!"


"Yah, slintheads, are your brains Klunk?"

"Joanie!" It was newt.

We ran.

I tried losing him among the ancient looking rocks that loomed high above. The ivy hung, clinged to the rugged stones. I latched onto one, climbing myself upward, trying to hide.

It worked, after Adam turned the corner and saw I was gone, began to shout. "Joannah!"

He pounded his fists on the wall, "Joanie..." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear. He turned and kept running, and though I was preoccupied with my survival, I worried for him.

I climbed down. A foot entangled in a vine and I swung forward, flipping. Slamming my face into the wall. Groaning, I untied the vine, but I was too slow. I couldn't reach and grab a vine.

I plummeted down, about to meet the ground, when strong arms held me up, and I found myself gazing on a red headed boy.

"Adam," I breathed. "No..." I moaned. Leaping out of his arms. "Joanie,"

"No Adam," I cried, "I'm too different, I'll hurt you,"

"No... Never," he said, placing his hands in my hips, unlike when he puts them on my shoulder. "Adam..." It came out more as a sigh.

He leaned in closer, and I backed into the wall. I had no where to go.

Until he froze, and a look of terror spread across his face. "Hear that?" He whispered, barely audible. I was about to answer when he place a finger over my lips.

Then it began.

Whhhrrrrr click click whhrrrrrrrr

No, it wasn't possible. My worst fear was among us, with someone I cared about. A lot.

He peeked around a corner, "it's there, and that's the only way to the glade," he explained.

Then it turned, revving towards us. Adam began to talk quickly, "left, right, left, left, right, left, right," he said.

"What?" I asked. "The way to the glade," he explained. "Why don't you just show me?" I asked. He frowned, a sad look in his eyes.

Every scrap of emotion in me sank. "No Adam," I managed, before he pressed his lips against mine.

All the emotions came flooding back.

Pain, happiness, betrayal, fear and worry. It was like an overflowing dam, and then it broke apart. His lips were still against mine, but I didn't resist.

I kissed back, tears streaming from my face. He pulled apart, "I love you," he whispered.

He ran to the griever, slamming his body against it as it grabbed him with its terrible, mechanical arms.

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