Chapter twenty-eight

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I stumbled backwards, a constricting feeling around my throat.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

All the gladers turned to me, and seemed to stare. I wanted to run and hide. I hated everything.

A couple of boys grabbed some ropes made from ivy vines and lowered Alby and Newt into the Box so they could retrieve the girl's body. A mood of reserved shock had come over most of the Gladers, who were milling about with solemn faces, kicking loose rocks and not saying anything.

Most had averted their gaze from me, an understanding of pity settling over like a fog. Gally was one of the boys holding on to the ropes, ready to hoist her, Alby, and Newt out of the Box. He sent me a sad look, before practically glaring daggers into Thomas. "From deep in the shaft came Alby's voice shouting that they were ready, and Gally and a couple of others started pulling up on the rope. A few grunts later and the girl's lifeless body was dragged out, across the edge of the door and onto one of the stone blocks making up the ground of the Glade.

Everyone immediately ran forward, forming a packed crowd around her, a palpable excitement hovering in the air. But Thomas and I stayed back. The eerie silence weighed heavy on me. Thomas was pale, and I felt so tired.

So tired of all this Klunk. I caught a glimpse of the girl, skinny, and about five and a half feet. She looked about my age, and her hair was a deep black. But her skin contrasted so much. It was white, and her entire appearance reminded me of the children's story Snow White, minus the short hair and frilly dress.

Maybe at true loves kiss she'll wake up. "Greenie, Joanie, get over here," newt demanded, an edge to his voice. I exchanged a look with Thomas before proceeding. He looked nervous, anxious. I probably looked done.

So utterly done

Gladers seemed to glare at Thomas, most looking at me sad. Though, a few looked murderous. Swallowing my heart which had found its way to my throat, I reached Newt.

The girl was beautiful. I could see Thomas looking at her out of the corner of my eye, thinking the same thing. But she was dead, it's wasn't right.

"You know this girl, shank?" Alby asked, sounding ticked off.
Thomas seemed shocked by the question. "Know her? Of course I don't know her. I don't know anyone. Except for you guys."

I rolled my eyes at him. Does he want to get punched around here. I would've face palmed if not for the dire situation.

"That's not ...," Alby began, then stopped with a frustrated sigh. "I meant does she look familiar at all? Any kind of feelin' you've seen her before?"
"No. Nothing." Thomas shifted, looked down at his feet, then back at the girl.

Alby turned to me, "Joanie?"
I rolled my eyes, "what do you think shuck face," I sighed, kicking a rock near me. He turned back to thomas, "are you sure?"

"Yes, why?" He spat. "Shuck it, can't be a coincidence,"

I picked up on his train of thought, "two days, two greenies, one alive, one dead," I dead panned. Thomas looked at me in horror, "you don't think I..."

"Slim it greenie, were not saying you bloody killed the girl," newt muttered. "I swear she doesn't look familiar," Thomas said, trying to reassure everyone, and maybe... Himself? "Are you-"

Newt couldn't finish until the girl shot up into a sitting position. She sucked in a great breath, as if she were trying to inhale the scent of freshly baked cookies. Her eyes shot open, and frantically looked around the crowd.

Alby cried out and fell backwards, while Newt gasped and jumped up, stumbling away from her. Newt grabbed my wrist, wrenching me into his embrace as I jumped, startled by the sudden outburst. Thomas stood still, watching intently as the girls eyes darted back and forth. The piercing blue studying everything.

She blinked rapidly, taking in raspy breaths, then stated, "everything is going to change,"

Her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell back to the ground. Her fist shot forward, staying rigid in the air as everyone stood, a shocked silence only interrupted by heaving breaths.

Newt kissed my forehead, before rushing forward. I tried reaching out, but my hand only brushed his shirt. He pulled her fingers apart, revealing a scrap of paper. His hands shook stronger than an earthquake and he dropped to his knees, spreading the paper out on the ground.

I rushed toward him, scanning the paper as I knelt next to him.

Five words were laid on the paper, in black ink:

She's the last one

The Rogue Variable Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora