🌻Chapter 23🌻

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That morning Jin woke up with a different kind of pain, he no longer felt pain in his heart or disappointed in his mind but he really felt pain all over his body, just imagine, they spent the night to having sex, Jungkook really took advantage of his condition to be able to provide pleasure to his husband. Jin opened his eyes and felt his whole body stiffen, he moved his body a little and it was very painful. The sound of Jin groaning woke Jungkook up.

He saw his husband beside him with pouting lips looking into his eyes, making Jungkook smile.

"What's wrong babe? why are you frowning?" Jungkook cupped Jin's cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

"Don't ask why if you are the cause, I said stop because I'm tired but you ignore me Jungkook"

"Oh yes? didn't you say don't..stop?"

"Yeah I said that at first but—"

"I love you baby" Jin's expression changed when Jungkook said that sentence, during last night's sex Jungkook didn't stop praising the beauty of Jin's body and kept saying he loved Jin.

Jin found it strange with his attitude because he never looked dizzy when he thought about anything and one thing Jin realized was that he only forgot his memories with Jin, nothing else. Jin found out from Yoongi. He remembers when the accident happened. He told everything to Yoongi. But Jin doesn't care, whatever the reason Jungkook is like this, he really likes the change in his attitude.

Not only Jungkook has mistakes in the past, but Jin too. He was with Yoongi at the toughest time in Jungkook's life. He did things he shouldn't have done. But when anger overtook him, the pain in his heart was greater than forgiveness. He just wants his life to be happy without realizing he is destroying other people's lives.

Not just one, but two people he hurt. Jungkook and Yoongi. He disappointed many people, Yoongi helped him all this time to survive, assuring him that there was still a chance in their marriage. On the one hand, Yoongi also wants Jin, if only Jungkook didn't change his attitude, he might have taken Jin and let Jungkook suffer.

But Yoongi cares more about his best friend, he knows Jungkook and realizes that all this time Jungkook just didn't accept the reality. He refused this marriage because he was too introverted, he never learned to accept until he completely lost.

All day Jin just lay in bed, Jungkook who prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner, cleans the house and cleans Jin. Jin's legs felt boneless, he kept shaking while standing and his hips hurt so much, they did a lot of different styles during sex. Jin saw a different side of Jungkook last night and he really liked that side, the side where he was very domineering but not scary.

After taking a shower Jungkook went back to bed with his husband, Jin just lay with his back to him and Jungkook pulled his body close to him, letting Jin's back rest against his chest. Jin took Jungkook's hand and brought it to be used as a head pillow.

"I should have done everything, you were sick, but you took care of me"

"Jin now who looks very sick is you, not me and as your husband I have to take care of you" Jungkook kissed Jin's shoulder and leaned his head against Jin's neck, he enjoyed Jin's scent, it was soothing for him. In his heart there was a constant feeling of guilt for what he had done all this time. All this time? why did he feel guilty all this time if he didn't remember everything?



"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"I realized too late how much I love you"

"What do you mean Jungkook?" Jin tried to turn around but Jungkook held him back, he let Jin stay where he was, he wasn't ready to see Jin's face, Jungkook's embrace also felt tighter on Jin.

"I remember everything Jin, the time how badly I treated my husband, let you fall into another man's arms, made you stay away from me and choose to live with another man, I remember everything, how I pushed you back then, I slapped you, I treated you badly and I didn't can stop blaming myself, I remember when you kicked me out, all your words woke me up, every day while you weren't around I just felt lost, I didn't know where to go, I wasn't focused on work, I only regretted what I did, I thought about dying but I was too cowardly to do that until your words woke me up, when you told me to die and live without you, I thought maybe it was for the best, but when I heard that car honk, I knew it was the wrong choice, if I can't live without you, I should trying to get you back, because living is much better than dying and losing you"

"What? if you remember it why did the doctor say anything different?"

"The night before I actually woke up, when Yoongi was in the room with me, I asked Yoongi to tell the doctor because I don't want you to struggle alone, I want to start all over from scratch, make new memories together without the shadow of a dark past. I know this is another lie that will hurt you, but I want you to understand with this lie of mine, I also hate what I did to you in the past, I didn't think I could do such a bad thing to you, to someone as precious as you. You are the first and only reason that makes me eat my own words, you are very special to me Jin, when I touched you last night, I was very scared, I was afraid that you would not want to do that with me, I was afraid that you would remember what I did, I reject you when you want to touch me, I'm afraid that disappointment will appear in your mind again. But I was wrong, you never ignored me a bit, you treated me well, you let me enjoy every curve of your body and I'm sure I was the first to do that to you right? hearing you say my name from your moans, makes me sure, my heart has never been wrong all this time to fall in love with you Jin"

Jungkook felt his hands wet from the tears flowing from Jin's eyes, but he let them. Jin just cried silently and kissed his husband's hand many times. He took his husband's hand and brought them much closer. He didn't answer anything at that time, he just wanted to continue like this with Jungkook, with the husband he loves.

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