🌻Chapter 24🌻

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9 Months Later

Exactly one year of their marriage, Jungkook has never left his husband at all, he always takes good care of Jin, very different from what he used to do. But that's the experience of life, he learns to be better.

Jin came to the office with his belly growing, yes, he was finally pregnant with their first child, 5 months old and a girl. Jin looks glowing with this pregnancy, making Jungkook afraid that other people will snatch Jin from him. Jungkook always takes his husband to the office, he has forbidden Jin to work but Jin is very stubborn and wants to keep working because he has been bothering Jimin too much in the office.

"Jin, you know that I can handle all the clients here, why do you still come with your big belly?"

"Jimin, I'm bored if I stay at home, Jungkook also treats me like a baby, he doesn't let me do everything alone"

"But it's much better right?"

"Of course, I'm very grateful now, at first I was sure there was no hope in this marriage, but now look, this is my hope" Jin touched his stomach and stroked it.

"You know Jin? you were gorgeous when you were pregnant, you were beautiful but right now.. ohh godd, you are like a masterpiece"

"Ohh you're too much Jimin, you're just like Jungkook, complimenting me too much, even though I'm fat now"

"You are pregnant not fat"

"Yeah, yeah I know, oh yeah, I haven't heard from Tae in a long time, how is he now?"

"Didn't he invite you?"

"Inviting me? No, he never contacted me again."

"Next week he will marry his fiancé Jennie"

"What? I can't believe he's getting married soon, but I'm really happy to hear that,"

"Okay and what about Yoongi? I mean you two were together before, he must have felt—"

"I rarely hear from him, the last time he called when he congratulated me on my pregnancy, he must have known from Jungkook that I was pregnant and after that he never contacted me again"

"He must be so heartbroken"

"Yeah, I was stupid then, I let him be disappointed with my selfishness"

"Jin don't blame yourself, he was the one who wanted to help you back then right? He must know that there is a risk he will accept afterwards."

"When i was with him he gave a lot of good things in my life Jimin, he really treated me very well, he said I was his but he wasn't mine"

"Hey why are you crying? did you miss him?"

"This must be because of my pregnancy Jimin, I become a little sensitive and cry easily, I miss him because after all he is a good person in my life, he saved my marriage"

Time passed so fast, without realizing it was already 7 pm and Jin had not yet come home from his office, he was waiting for Jungkook to pick him up but Jungkook had not contacted him. Jimin offered to accompany him but Jin refused and told him to go home. Jin just sat in his chair while touching his stomach.

"Heyy baby pumpkin, you make my stomach look really big, are you okay in there? I hope you continue to grow well, papa loves you, daddy loves you, I believe you will be the most beautiful child, you will be the happiest child in the world, I promise I will do anything for it, we will do anything for you"

"Jin" The voice startled Jin and when he lifted his head he saw someone he had just talked to Jimin.


"Hey, you look beautiful when you're pregnant Jin" He smiled very sweetly as he approached Jin at his desk.

"Thank you, why did you come here?"

"Your husband sent me here to pick you up, he still has a meeting at the office, he had to tell me because he didn't want you to go home alone, I told him that he didn't come home immediately after the meeting, I would kidnap you and take you away as far as possible and he immediately cursed me, he wanted to cancel the meeting but the client has arrived so he was forced to attend the meeting and here I am" Jin just chuckled at Yoongi's explanation.

"She must be very beautiful like you Jin"

"Yoongi, I'm sorry—"

"Hey, why say sorry? you didn't do anything wrong, I'm glad you two are together, remember Jin you will forever be mine so if Jungkook acts again, you can come to me anytime"

"Then can you help me walk?"

"Sure" Yoongi walked over to Jin and helped him up, Jin wrapped his arm around Yoongi's arm and they got out of the car.

During the trip, Yoongi kept looking at Jin.

"Hey mister, the road is ahead, not here"

"You're distracting me Jin"

"But remember, you brought a baby here, so you have to be careful"

"Okay, how are you two? I've never seen Jungkook frown now, he's always smiling like crazy"

"Better and it's all thanks to you"

"Jin, I didn't do anything, you guys really fell in love, if you don't love each other no matter how much other people's efforts to unite you will be in vain"

"But it's really because of you Yoongi, if only you didn't give me ideas to make him jealous I think the ending would be different"

"My plan was actually to take you away from him Jin, all I did was not to make him jealous" Jin turned to Yoongi and Yoongi just smiled.

"Don't look at me like that, you make me look pathetic, I'm happy if you're happy, our time together is more than enough to pay for my feelings Jin"


"Stop, I know you want to apologize, so it's better to keep those words, because I don't want to hear it"

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