"Dadddyyyy!" He frustratedly shouts while looking at the kitchen door to open.

"Your mommy is right, you are going to be our baby boy forever" My rock for the past years entered the kitchen, acknowledging all of the chefs inside.

"I'm going to be like you daddy. I'm going to be a chef" he reached up for Julien and he circled his arms around his neck.

"Bet you are buddy" Julien removed his toque and ruffled his brown curly hair.

"What did I say Theo?" I gave him a scolding look but not enough to scare him off.

"Speak english" he gave me a toothy smile so he can get away with it which was effective.

I can't resist him.

They proceed to play with each other in the kitchen, disrupting my work.

"Julien Atkins and Theo Gabriel Taylor!" I growled to catch their attention.

They both look at each other, Julien was making the "Uh-oh" face to Theo and he giggled covering his giggle with his two small hands.

"Are you going to help or not?" I asked them both and they nodded out of sheer fear because they both know not to mess up with me in the kitchen.

"Go and serve the customers" I shooed them away and went back to my pending work.

"If you are always frowning like that you'll scare away our customers and we'll go out of business pretty soon. Loosen up a bit, the kitchen is under control now" he whispered to my ears and I scowled at him.

"Theo give your mommy a kiss before we go to work" Julien hold Theo near me so he can scoot to kiss my cheeks making me relaxed from all the stress.

After Theo gave me a kiss, Julien put him down and he ran out the room so he can help Adele to wrap up the customer's purchases, his small figure disappeared from the swinging doors.

"Mom will babysit Theo for tonight so we can have a small party with our friends" His deep husky voice rang through my head and our closeness making me smile.

He kissed my cheeks lovingly before he roared laughing, walking away from me making me blush. He always does that.

Another surprise from my ever colorful life..

Yes, you read it right. My 4 year old son's name is Theo Gabriel Taylor

He is my second angel.

God gave me another human being to cherish and love unconditionally in this world after I had a stillbirth with my first.

He is my son with Max.

I got Theo's name from Max. Maximus Theodore Taylor and gave him his dada's last name, I'm not that of a huge selfish person.

I decided not to tell him because of the trauma that I got after the accident. I know I'm at fault here but I don't want to have a repeat of the past, I don't want to lose anything this time.

I found out I'm pregnant again when I was on my breaking point, 4 months after I left New York.

It was in the middle of the wee hours of morning when I was awaken by the churning of my stomach at first I though it was a food poison or the depression but it went on and on, that is when a bucket of ice cold water was poured on me, I froze to where I was sitting, I knew then on that I was experiencing the symptoms of being pregnant again, returning me to my senses, I took a test and it was confirmed positive.

I was sweating bullets and I was cold all over my body when Julien and I went for a check-up. The doctor happily informed us that I was almost 4 months pregnant and I was so shocked that I almost passed out in front of my doctor but with Julien's strength and support, I slowly accepted the fact that I'm pregnant again with Max's baby.

Bye bye baby (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now