Chapter Nine. ✓

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Rebel's Point of View.

   I was sitting at the kitchen table. Finn sat across from me, the man that I had thrown a knife at was on Finn’s right, a blond with baby-blue eyes on his left. Wondering if every boy in the house was attractive, it occurred to me it was probably because of their Werewolfness. 

   Finn said we should probably have a “meeting”. “Meeting” meaning a question and answer because I was completely clueless when it came to mythical creatures. Like, what not to do to piss them off.  

   Something dawned on me, every person in this room look as old as me. Well, found my first question. “Before we get started," I said, "how old are y'all” 

   Blonie’s eyebrows dipped in confusion, then turned to Finn. “Y'all?” he whispered.

   Finn turned to look at Blondie, scowling at him to be quiet. Once Finn turned back to me, Knifey spoke to me. “We're all 18.” 

   “Wait, Finn, are you in high school?” I asked, looking confused. 

   Finn avoided my eyes, he visibly swallowed and nodded his head. 

   “Why haven’t you been going, then?”

   Finn gave me an incredulous look. “Like, hell, I was going to leave you in a house by yourself. Remember the last time I did?”

   Unconsciously, a smiled played at my lips. My head nodded, knowing where he was coming from. 

   Blondie looked confused again. “What happened?”

   Finn waved him off. “Anything else?”

   My finger tapping my chin, then pointed to the two nameless faces. “Who’re they?”

   Finn pointed to Knifey. “Mark, he’s my Beta”--Finn’s finger pointed to Blondie--“Clay, he’s Third-in-Command.”

   My head nodded, a smirk on my face. My finger pointed to Mark. “Knifey,” I said, then pointed to Clay, “Blondie.”

   Blondie looked confused while he looked at Knifey. “Knifey?”

   Knifey's eyebrows dipped into a scowl. “She threw a knife at me,” he grumbled like a little kid.

   Blondie’s face lit up. “Woah, really?” He started jumping in his seat, seeming excited. “We get nicknames!”

   Knifey and Finn looked at Blondie like he grew two heads. 

   Blondie turned to me with a smile, his face lighting up. “What’s Finn’s nickname?”

   My smirked deepened as my eyes connected with Finn’s. His were wide, his head slightly shaking telling me not to tell them. 


   Knifey and Blondie busted out laughing. Finn covered his face, placing his forehead on the table. I didn’t miss the way his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. 

   After about a minute of Blondie and Knifey laughing at him, Finn told them to shut up, his voice demanding. Instantly, they obeyed, but slight smiles stayed on their faces’. 

   My eyes widened. “How’d you do that?”

   This time, Finn smirked. He raised his arms up, placing his hands behind his head while a cocky smile graced his face. “I’m an Alpha.” 

   He said it as if I was suppose to be impressed. Keeping a blank face, I looked at him. “Okay?”

   Finn rolled his eyes, dropping his arms on the table. “I’m in command of my whole pack.” 

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