Chapter Three.

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Rebel's Point of View.

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the sun that seeped through the curtains. The haziness that floated in my mind cleared upon recognizing the room. Blinking, I spotted Finn sleeping on the couch, his hand hanging over the edge. His tall body seemed awkwardly sprawled across the small sofa, the blanket pooling around his waist. Small, soft snores escaped from his agape mouth.

I sat up from the bed, throwing the comforter off me. It was early in the morning when I scanned over the digital clock resting on the nightstand. My body was accustomed to waking up as the sun rose. I sat on the bed and strained to hear any sounds that signaled that anyone was awake. Only Finn's sores broke through the silence. It was a ideal time to leave.

Standing, I slowly made a beeline for the bedroom door while carefully watching Finn for any movement. I breathed shallowly as I slipped through the door. I rushed down the stairs with deathly silent steps and exited through the front door. A successful smile slipped onto my face as I ran into the forest, following the gravel of the driveway.

Finn's Point of View.

The ringer on my cellphone cut through the heated dream. My eyes snapped open, my chest heaving. The images of my naked mate slowly drifted off my mind, causing a low, annoyed growl to rumble through my ribs. I snatched my cellphone from the ground to see Mark, my Beta, calling. My finger slid across the screen and I ground out, “Yes?”

“Hey, dude,” he replied. “Just checking up on you and your mate. I'm in lunch and, legit, everyone is asking me about her. It was cool at first 'cause usually you're the one in the spotlight but now they won't shut up. It's annoying. How do you do it?”

Still stunned by the sheer velocity that Mark can speak at, I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. At the mention of Rebel, I looked to the bed. It was empty, the blanket cast to the ground. “Um, let me call you back,” I said quickly, hanging up the phone. I scrambled off the couch and went the the bathroom door. Inhaling deeply, her scent wafted through the house and out the front door. I cursed, the urge to punch someone assailing me. Grabbing the car keys, I ran to the car and growled lowly to myself.

Zooming into the town, my chest had tightened and my hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. How idiotic of me to assume she wouldn't try anything. After yesterday, I had foolishly hoped that she would understand that she was safe with me. That we were made for each other. I breathed heavily, my foot pressing the accelerator harder. In the back of my mind, my Wolf paced around, trying to claw to the surface. Slowing the car through the town, her scent was faint and soon it led me to the town's exit. My hand banged against the steering wheel, my eyes shifted into the coal color.

The road that led to the exit of Mountain Springs was a mile long, trees surrounding both sides of the road. Only an abandoned warehouse was the last sight to see before leaving. Rebel had to be there, if not, I feared she might be lost. Or worse, hurt.

Inside, my bones tried to realign themselves into my second form. My Wolf wanted to shift, insisting that he could find our mate better than I could. I pushed him down as the warehouse came into view and a head of blonde hair. Slamming on the brake and pulling to the side of the road.

Three people surrounded her, and I recognized them from school last year. One girl with stringy, greasy hair yelled to my mate, “Give us some money and you won't get hurt.”

My steps faltered when Rebel gave them a devilish smirk. “If you try to take my money, I won't be the one getting hurt.”

As the three delinquents closed in around my mate, one said, “You'll regret it, bitch.”

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