Chapter Five.

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Rebel's Point of View.

Hesitantly, my arms wrapped around Finn's slim waist. He smelled of clean laundry and the forest that surrounded the house. His body was stiff, undoubtedly stunned with my sign of affection. But seeing the guitar and knowing the expensive price for the instrument, hugging Finn seemed like the only fit thing to do. My chest pressed against his lower chest, and slowly his arm came around me as his chin rested upon my head. I felt safe and almost...natural. And I knew I shouldn't be feeling those types of emotions.

When I finally pulled away from the embrace, I was surprised to find that disappointment filled my chest. I headed for the bed, dragged the guitar case across my lap. Holding my breath as I unhatched the metal latches, my eyes scanned over the beautiful instrument. My finger skimmed over the polish wood and metal strings. Once I laid my eyes on the acoustic guitar it reminded me of Mom, it had looked just liked hers before it was smashed it against the ground in anger.

Finn rolled the leather office chair in front of the bed. He smiled. “Play something.”

“What?” I chuckled. “I can't; not in front of you.”

“Why not?” Finn asked, looking to be mock offended. “It's only me.”

“Exactly.” I closed the guitar case, running my hand running over it. “In all seriousness, though. Thank you, Finn.” Laughing bitterly, I continued. “No one has ever done something this nice for me in a long time.” When I looked to Finn, his eyes swam with questions but he never asked them. Which was something I was grateful for.

He glanced to the clock and said, “Did you want to watch TV or something while I make something to eat?” He stood from the chair, wiping his hands onto his dark jeans. Grabbing the remote from the nightstand, he turned on the television on the wall across from the bed. He handed it to me, smiling.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, looking down at the remote. “And, um, can I borrow some pajamas?”

Finn was at the bedroom door, about to open it, and groaned heavily. “We forgot to get some, didn't we?” He turned and grinned. “But, yeah, they're in the top drawer. Wear anything you want.”

As Finn exited the room, I slipped into a baggy T-shirt and plaid pajama pants. I flipped through the television channels and landed on a movie. I sat back on the bed and waited for Finn's return which took nearly half an hour. Talkative noises came from downstairs—I was clueless on how many people—and signaled that the house was no longer empty. Fatigue was heavy behind my eyes but when he finally walked in, I sat up. He carried two plates of pizza and sheepishly smiled, “Sorry about the wait. Someone brought home a lot of pizza and they kept asking me questions.”

He handed me one of the plates with cheese pizza and Finn added, “I didn't know what kind you liked and everyone likes cheese, right?” He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. “I mean, unless you're allergic to some cheese.”

I laughed. “I'm not allergic to anything. What were they asking about?” I moved over one the bed to make room for Finn, who hesitantly sat down next to me, giving me time to back out. I had already felt guilty of making him sleep on a couch that was too small for him, and I wasn't about to make him sit on the ground while eating.

“Um,” he nervously started, “you.”

I peered over to him. “Me?”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, continuing to look at the television.

“How many people are down there?” I took a bite from the pizza.

He started eating, too. “A lot, kinda. It's hard to explain.”

“Oh.” I sat back against the propped up pillow, taking another bite. With the warmth radiating from Finn's body and good tasting pizza, I couldn't help but think I could get used to a life like this.

Finn's Point of View.

The movie had ended and another one had begun. The pack had berated me with questions about Rebel when I had gone to get food, I was lucky Rebel didn't press further on the topic when I came back upstairs. I glanced at my mate, seeing her struggle to keep open her eyes. But eventually, after a few minutes, the weight of her head rested on my shoulder caused my Wolf to sigh. Her breathing evened out and small, cute snores escaped her. As an instinct, my arm wrapped around her and let her head rest on my chest. Laying us down and turning off the television, we were left in darkness. My eyes closed, sighing. I knew the right thing would to be getting up and going to the uncomfortable couch because when she awoke, she might freak out. But as her arm came across my chest and her thigh rested on top mine, I had made up my mind.

With my mate snuggled to my side, I slipped off to dreamland.

Rebel's Point of View.

As I awoke the next morning, a sleeping Finn met my view. My eyes widened but I didn't try pushing him off. The idea of waking him from his deep sleep made a negative feeling spread throughout me. Scooting to the end of the bed without trying to wake him, I stretched out my arms and spine. The house had an eerie silence that seemed calming. Scanning over the room and out the window, the urge to breathe in fresh and air and feel the sun on my face washed over me. Silently heading to the door, the guitar case met my view. Grabbing the case and exiting the room, I tiptoed down the stairs and out the house through the backdoor. I stepped down the porch's steps, my feet digging into the soft grass and dirt. I smiled, walking in the forest.

Walking further than I had before, the dense trees had spread out to form a clearing. I made my way to the middle, looking to the clear, blue sky. A light breeze wafted over my face and bare arms, causing a smile to appear on my lips. Setting down the case, a twig snapped from behind me. I snapped around, narrowing my eyes. Nothing moved in the brush but then the leaves started shaking. My heart plummeted into my stomach as a black wolf stepped into the field. It was unusually large, bigger than a normal wolf should be. It's jaw looked as though it should bite me in half, its paws the size of my head.

Although fear seized my legs, making it impossible to escape, I didn't scream. I stood, watching it as it watched me.  

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