Chapter One, Part Two - Lone Wolf

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A summer storm was quickly approaching. Above, the sky began to transform into the dark blue turmoil of night. Fat drops of rain splattered the concrete driveway, and thunder growled in the distance by the time I reached the solid, oak front entry.

I didn't have time to even lay a hand on the knocker, before the door was swinging open to reveal a short, plump woman. Her long raven hair was swept up into a neat bun with a few wisps left out to frame her makeup-less, round face. She was dressed in the manner of those who specialize in professional housework: a long grey skirt, a grey cardigan over a white dress-shirt, and sensible black shoes. She opened the door wider for me, and as I gratefully stepped into the warmth and light, I noticed the lines and wrinkles about her eyes and mouth. They gave her the look of a woman growing old but wise, strict but not harsh.

"Naomi Noble. Well, I haven't seen you in eighteen years - not since the day you were born."

I didn't answer her. I couldn't. I was too busy drooling over my new surroundings.

The walls and floor of the mansion were all made of a highly polished marble decorated in a pattern of white and grey swirls. Ornamental mirrors with golden frames of various sizes and shapes hung on the walls, along with the painted and photographed portraits of various people I didn't recognize.

The entire foyer was the span of half a football field, and empty for the most part, causing one's voice to echo slightly. Against the back wall, were three cascading staircases that lead to the fifth floor. At intervals they conjoined, providing platforms to every level of the house, spiraling upwards and on in Wilson Hall fashion. Faint with wonder, I followed their journey, craning my neck upwards to spot a massive chandelier sparkling high above, like a diamond, on the ceiling of the fifth floor.

"This house..." I breathed. "I can't believe..."

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The woman spoke proudly, as if she alone had been responsible for it all. "Mrs. Noble put a great deal of her late husband's money into embellishing the manor. Pity she had to leave..." Although she put on a sympathetic face, the twinkle in her dark eyes belied her remorse.

"Naomi, my name is Mrs. Lucille Abigail Trentley, and I am currently employed as the butler of this manor. I work from breakfast to dinner, Mondays through Fridays, but am only obligated to morning hours on the weekends. I - as well as a few other select members of the staff - share a wing on the first floor, but I also have a home on Stoakely, which I use during my vacations and holidays. I'll manage your affairs, keep the house, pay the bills, stock the fridges and keep the staff smiling, but I won't wipe your ass or clean your nose. Are there any questions?"

"I have a butler?"

"As well as eight maids, six gardeners, a chef, countless electricians, and a team of plumbers that I keep on speed dial. And I can promise you that the staff won't quit again, provided that you keep signing our checks, and don't behave like a tyrant."

"You quit once?" I set down my suitcase. "Why-if you don't mind my asking?"

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