This rat isn't normal!

Start from the beginning


So it is an intelligent quirk.

Okay what else?

For some reason it wasn't that hard to actually find this rats file. Like all I had to do was backtrack some chimera shit, rumors about creating one and so on. I wasn't even explicit searching for Nezu since I was soo sure that chimera would have hiden the facts soo good as well as deleted them so I went on with chimera until I found rumors about an SCP organization. 

After digging up a bit more I found about an SCP called SCP-3624. It was all about creating a chimera and more than that, they apparently used some animal dna and tried to mix it with a human. Out of that only Nezu did survive which they then called him 3624. 

Wow this is pretty dark.

Out of 333 candidates only Nezu survived.

Where the heck am I even finding this stuff ri- OH!

I should better get out of there quickly.

The deep dark web.

I am sure this is bad but it was soo informative.

Now I got soo much information about the rats past.

Now let's see about his blackmailing things.

With that I started hacking UA's security and then get into Nezu's PC which was hanging into the same network. It wasn't hard to get in. I mean I bypassed basically everything he set up for intruders and even placed a bomb myself in the system. After that I started checking out his mails and everything. This was how I saw the things he had on the hero commission.



How the heck are you even... WHAT!

This is insane!

Why in the world would you have this as blackmail material.

How did you even get this?

No wonder people are fearing your name on the streets and tell around not to mess with you.

With these materials...

I wouldn't tooo...

Well too bad that you can't really find things about me at all.

Like the most you can get is my past.

It's dark and I know it.

At least I had dadzawa to help me out.

Really am happy I found a plce to stay...

Now back to the question.

Why in the world do you need a pic of someone being naked and pole dancing in a metro station?

Wait it gets even worse.

What is this?

Did you really collect things about every tea-


How dare you have things on my papa and dad?


This will be erased.

No way am I letting you have that.

Just like that I started to seacrh every folder I could get with the remote access and deleted everything I found on Aizawa and Mic. Most of the things were about Mic and Midnight being drunk and partying together with another dude. While Aizawa had actually a crime on his head.

He apparenlty once broke into a coffee shop and stole the coffee just because they didn't wanted to sell their coffee to him. They said and it was quited that he already had enough and they were not sure if another one would kill him. So he paid them back and claimed all the coffee they had.

Me: PFFF! This is soo you.

All in all it was funny to find the things and I started roaming around, looking for what else he had on people. This was basically my entertainment for the rest of the day. It was only tomorrow that I would go to the offensive state in this war and show him how good I really was in gathering informations. 

Who knows if this is the right choice but it felt as if that rat was actually daring me to fight him. 

I am always up for a challenge!

I took it personal kinda too after today.

So of course I would make sure to win this fight!

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now