The Love Square {2}

Start from the beginning

                “You have really beautiful eyes Colin,” I said. I had told him that a million times already, though.

                Colin looked at me in disgust. “You are such a…such a faggot!” he said angrily, lifting me into his arms.

                I glanced at the trashcan nearby and sighed, wrapping my arms around Colin’s neck as he began to walk towards it. Might as well enjoy the contact while it lasted.

                “With every single dollar, I’ll be sure to buy you flowers, ‘cause money ain’t no problem when love’s free,” I sang as we got closer to the trashcan.

                Colin shoved me into the trashcan and I sighed again, not even bothering to struggle. I glanced up at Colin and gave him a small smile.

                “I’m not mad at you Colin. You can throw me in the trashcan if it makes you happy,” I said honestly.

                Colin glared at me and shoved the trashcan over, spilling me out onto the floor. The kids watching laughed as I groaned and plucked a banana peel off of my head.

                “Stop hitting on me! I’m not a faggot!” Colin snapped before storming away.

                “Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,” I sang, wiping the garbage off of myself as I stood up. I ignored the laughing kids and made my way back to my lunch table, sitting down across from Zane.

                “Are you okay?” Zane asked in concern, reaching out and pulling pepperoni off of my shirt.

                “Hey! I have pepperoni nipples!” I cried in excitement, looking down at the pepperoni stuck on my shirt, right over my chest.

                “Ew, they’re cold,” Zane said, making a face at me as he plucked the rest of the pepperoni off of my shirt for me.

                I looked over at Colin. He was sitting at his usual table, surrounded by his many friends. It was hard not to like the guy, no matter who you were. He was so kind to everyone, unless he disapproved of their sexuality.

                Colin had a big smile on his face as he talked to some of the kids at the table. They laughed at whatever he was saying and his smile got even wider, eating up his adorable face.

                “Ant, you really need to think about what you say before you say it when it comes to Colin,” Zane said, frowning deeply at me. “You know that the majority of the things you say to him make him even angrier.”

                “It’s all a bunch of love taps,” I said, patting Zane’s head. Ah, he was still too young to understand what true love looked like. Poor fool.

                “He didn’t even hit you this time. He just threw you in the trash,” Zane said, swatting my hand away from his head.

                “Well, I deserved it. I cheated on him with my sandwich, remember?” I said, sighing. Karma was so cruel.

                “Ant, you do not deserve to be tossed into a trashcan!” Zane said, getting angry now.

                I held up my hands in defeat. “Whoa, easy killer! Don’t start seeing red now. Actually, red is my favorite color. I wish I could see red! But without getting angry. I don’t like being angry. Hm…What was I supposed to be talking about?”

                The bell exploded and I let out a slight shriek. Stupid freaking ninja bell, trying to give me a heart attack!

                “Oh Ant. Let’s get to class,” Zane said with a hopeless sigh, getting up and pulling me to my feet as well.

                We grabbed our bags and left the cafeteria. I pulled Zane with me until we were walking behind Colin, who didn’t notice us.

                “Yea!” Colin was saying to one of his friends. His usual happy smile was on his face, making me smile a little. Colin’s smile was contagious.

                “So what’s your favorite episode?” the kid he was talking to asked curiously.

                “I love the one where Dean and Sam are pranking each other,” Colin said, laughing a little.

                He was talking about Supernatural. Oh my god, I just fell ever more in love with this perfect boy.

                “He likes Supernatural too!” I whispered to Zane in excitement. It was my favorite show, and I could talk about it for hours.

                So it was official. When we were dating, Colin and I could watch Supernatural together while cuddled on the couch. DAMMIT, WHY COULDN’T HE JUST ASK ME OUT RIGHT NOW?

                I watched sadly as Colin walked up the main stairs, still talking to his friend about Supernatural. Zane and I went up a different set of stairs and I waved to him as I walked into my English class.

                I sat down at my usual seat and pulled out my notebook, beginning to doodle randomly as the bell rang. The teacher in this class was just so boring!

                “Alright students, listen up!” she commanded in her high-pitched voice.

                I dragged my eyes away from my beautiful doodle and onto the ugly sight of my obese English teacher. No joke, the lady had three necks and more chins than a Chinese phonebook.

                “Since some of you have taken to talking,” she took a moment to glare at a group of students sitting on the left side of the classroom, “I have decided to give you assigned seats.”  

                This statement was met with loud groans, including one from me. I didn’t like the majority of people in this class. I didn’t want to wind up next to one of the stuck-up bitches that had forced this to happen in the first place!

                “Shut up you pathetic fucking maggots, before I take you out back and shoot you,” the teacher snapped.

                Well, actually, she just said “Shush.”

                Moving on in life.

                The teacher, Mrs. Kinney, grabbed a sheet of paper off of her desk and looked at it. She began to point at seats and call out names.

                “Jacob Aaron. Carissa Aiello.”

                I drummed my fingers against the desk I was currently sitting at, mentally cursing. Great, she was going by alphabetical order. I hated it when teachers did that! My stupid last name always put me at the front of the classroom, and then I couldn’t nap or doodle. I had to actually…pay attention.

                What a nightmare.

                “Anthony Andrews,” she said, pointing at one of the seats in the front.

                I miserably stood up and carried my stuff over to the empty seat. I sat down and began to doodle on my notebook again, since it wouldn’t be long before she’d start class and I’d actually have to pay attention for once.

                Mrs. Kinney pointed at the seat next to me and glanced at sheet of paper in her hands. Oh joy. What asshole did I get to sit next to for the entire clas-

                “Colin Archer.”

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