Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?

Start from the beginning

"I've heard that booze is extra good after it's been floating on the waves." Nami smirked.

"Then we've got to try it out!" Franky agreed.


"Sweet! Let's have a toast!" Usopp and Chopper cheered.

"It's custom to refill the barrel with fresh supplies when you empty it." Robin said in her usual tone.

"Hey guys, this barrel is suspicious, I don't think we should-"

"Hey, God! I'm eating your snacks! Heh, heh!" Luffy threw his arms in the air and then started tying the ropes.

"No, Luffy wait just a second." I said as I pulled on his ear, but instead of hurting him, it just stretched, and by the time I registered it, it was too late as he thrusted the lid off, blowing us both backwards.

A flare shot from the barrel and went straight into the sky, giving out location. The flare's explosion was almost as big as the Sunny itself.

'Well, I knew it was suspicious, but I didn't expect that." I thought as I rubbed my back.

"What's that?" Luffy yelled over the explosion as red light covered the ship.

"A flare!" I called back, shielding my eyes to see clearer.

Once the red light disappeared, Chopper cried, "The booze flew, exploded, then vanished!"

"Chopper, that wasn't booze." I said standing up as I dusted myself off.

"Huh?" Chopper and Luffy asked in unison.

"It was a flare." Robin answered as I crossed my arms.

"I knew we shouldn't have opened it," I sighed as I looked at the crew, "Flares are used to disclose locations or notify someone of a signal. That was probably set by bounty hunters in this area, or even pirates. It was a trap."

Robin seemed really nervous about something as Zoro laughed at my comment, "Haha! You mean the Sea God's wrath?" He mocked.

I groaned as he mocked me more.

"(Y/N) is correct." Robin said out of nowhere, grabbing everyone's attention, "Someone might come after us."

"Wah! S-So that was a trap?!" Usopp cried, tears streaming down his face.

I hit him in the head, a similar worried expression on my face, "I said that already!"

Usopp and Chopper were freaking out and checking the perimeter of the ship as Nami rushed upstairs, "Everyone, quickly! We're heading south-southeast! A huge storm will be here in five minutes!"

We all started working around the ship, fixing the sails, pulling the ropes, getting Sunny prepared for our grand escape. Before I knew it, random black clouds were surrounding the ship. I didn't even see them show up.

Soon after the clouds, thunder, rain and... green lightning showed up.

Water was cascading onto the ship, making the devil fruit users weaker than normal, as the ship swayed harshly back and forth.

I grabbed onto the railing closest to me so I wouldn't fall into the seas as I felt weak at the knees from the sea water.

Soon, my crewmembers started talking about 'The Paddle.'

We reeled in the sails and Franky came to the helm, near where I was holding on for dear life. Suddenly, I looked over the railing and saw strange paddles come out of the docking station and the next thing I knew, we were out of the storm.

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