Episode 54 "The Salt in the Wounds"

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He smiles and nods, "Ready? And... go." We all turn on the faucets as Hodgins then says, "I got the traces back on those red fibers you found in her hair. They're tri-lobal. Two red strands, one blue strands woven together. Given the length and texture, they definitely came from an automobile." Arastoo then says, "But the killer must have transported Ashley's body from wherever she was killed into the salt pile." Cam then asks, "Can you narrow down what kind of car?" Hodgins nods, "Yeah, I'm running the fibers through FACID. That should be able to give Booth make and model and year." We then hear a watch beeping as we see that it was Arastoo's watch as he says, "Ooh, time-out for Allah." Angie then comes in, "Hey. Um... Listen, do you need me anymore here today? 'Cause I could really use, uh..." Hodgins then says, "Angela. What's the matter?" "Roxie and I broke up, and I just..." Hodgins then quickly says, "You know, I'm going to take Angela for a cup of coffee, okay?" Cam and I nod, "Sure." "Go ahead. Take your time Angie." Cam adds, "This is a simple murder; solves itself." I then get a text saying to meet Booth and Temp outside as I sigh, "I need to go, they found something." Cam nods, "Alright, I got things covered." "All right. Text or call me if you need me back, all right." She nods.

We are at the high school weight gym as Booth calls out, "Okay, Rory Davis?" A boy lifting weights say, "Yeah." He puts the weight back to the stand as the boy helping him says, "Whoa, a little warning, dude. I'm only the Huld when I get pissed." I chuckle a bit at the comment as Booth asks Rory, "Listen. we'd like to talk to you about, uh, Ashley Clark." "It wasn't me." Temp and I were confused as I ask, "It wasn't you who what?" "Becca texted me, saying that you think I killed Ashley. But I didn't." Booth then looks at the boy who was helping Rory with the weights, "Excuse me, you want to give me a moment here? I'd like to talk to him alone." "Dude, you're a murder suspect. That's awesome!" Booth clears his throat as the boy then nods leaving. Temp then says, "Becca said that you and Ashley connected sexually." Booth nods, "Yeah, her exact words were: 'got all over." "This is completely not fair." Temp asks, "That you had sex with two girls and they got pregnant?" "We didn't have sex." Temp then whispers to us, "Pregnancy is unlikely without intercourse." I kept my laughter in as Booth says, "Right, thanks for the tip, Bones, yeah." Rory then says, "No, we didn't have intercourse. I'm a Christian. I'm not gonna have intercourse until I'm married."

Booth then says, "Okay, so you got two girls pregnant, but you didn't have sex with either one of them?" "Well, uh, I think some of, uh, my... you know, stuff, may have found its way in there. I mean, the way Ashley came after me, it's like she was really, really trying..." Temp asks, "To get your sperm?" "Yeah, well, if it wasn't for my faith in Jesus, there would have been sexual intercourse." I then ask, "How did your relationship with Ashley end?" "Bad. Ashley was mad at me. Becca was mad at me. I did everything right, and it turned out all wrong." "Did Ashley have any arguments with anyone else?" Temp adds, "Or try to get their sperm?" "She had some sort of fight with Mr. Hawthorne. I heard it from the weight room." Booth asks, "Who's Mr. Hawthorne?" "He's the volleyball coach." "Where would he be?"

The school bell rings as we are now talking with the coach as Booth says, "Well, we hear that you got into a loud argument with Ashley." Temp adds, "With shouting." The coach nods, "That's true. Two fights, in fact. First one was when she failed to seduce me; and the second, a couple of months later, when she threatened to name me as the father of her child if I didn't give her five grand." I then ask, "She tried to seduce you?" "All right, seduce isn't the right word. Look, that girl came at me like..." Booth cuts him off, "So, Ashley Clark tried to blackmail you?" "In case you're thinking that drove me to murder, you can check with the principal. I reported it. What with the way things are. I figured that that was the smartest move." Temp asks, "The way things are?" "Half my volleyball team got pregnant." Booth then asks, "We're gonna need a team roster." "Well, if you want to talk to them, go to the multipurpose room. They're having another baby shower." Booth, Temp, and I looked at each other.

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