55. Overly Plastered

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The drive to the storage unit goes well, while all four of the babies lounging on the bed in back

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The drive to the storage unit goes well, while all four of the babies lounging on the bed in back. At first Vixen did have to sit in my lap but once he got used to it in the back he went with the others. I can't believe how much he has grown in three weeks, but he is still my baby like the others.

Shane is on the uptight side this trip just like the first time he brought me here a couple of weeks ago. That is when I truly learned and heard how the people in this town have treated him once he got out of the hospital.

It still makes a burning rage pass through me. Never have I gotten so angry as I do with these people. Every single one of them have blamed Shane and it is not his fault on what happened when he was in the service. Not a single person cared about everything Shane had to go through and still fights with.

The truck slows down and Shane lets out a breath of air. "At least this is the last time I plan to ever stop in this town again."

I remain silent to let him get it out if he needs too. I lean over and put my hand on his thigh, as he shifts gears and turns the wheel until we come to a stop. It is still impressive how he can back this huge machinary up into a small area.

He puts the brakes and leans over to kiss my lips. Once the engine is turned off. He hopes out with Tanker and Oreo joining him. My door opens and Shane raises his hands up to pick Fluffier up from the floor by my feet. Vixen is in my arms but lets out a small sound.

"I can get you Vixen." Shane coos when he steps up one step to get him from my arms. Vixen relaxes with Shane, but dances on the ground once he is put down.

I can't help but laugh as I get out of the truck with Shane's hand on my lower back. All the babies follow us around to the back. Shane gets the storage door unlocked before he opens the trailer doors.

With the trailer doors being open the babies happily jump in the trailer and go sniffing around. I touch the metal floor and it is cool, so I don't worry about their paws getting burnt. The weather is starting to take on the chill with winter coming, but thankfully it is gradual and not to quick of a change.

"So where do we start?" I look in the unit and to Shane.

He rubs his neck. "Probably just start at the front and work our way back. There is nothing that's heavy other than that bed frame in the back. Everything else is fairly light boxes. Most of things may get trashed like how you done with things from that spare room." He laughs.

It is true, I went through everything and if I forgot about it or just hadn't touched it in a years time it went out. No point in holding things that don't mean much or worth keeping.

There is laughter as we load things into the trailer. The babies prance each time a new box is loaded up, which they also have to sniff. Vixen little sneak got us to really laughing when he started doing his scream and it was because he couldn't walk with his legs buckling from where he got inside one of Shane's shirts with his head sticking out.

I see so many things from Shane's childhood. There are several things that were his brothers and I smile while Shane talks about so many things they done together. Every adventure they had a kids they took one little piece of it home and in this one chest.

Nothing beats seeing Shane calm and listening to him talk.

"Takes guts for you to show up here, boy." A sneered voice comes from by the truck.

Shane closing the chests lid. His whole happy, calm expression shelled immediately. In its place sadness with a hint of longing. Two things I have never seen on him but once before during a flashback I helped him through with Tanker.

My blood boils instantly. I walk out behind Shane's with his strides longer than mine. My eyes scan and I catch a glimpse of the fur babies in the trailer still.

"What do you want?" Shane sighs.

"That is no way to speak to your Mother!" An older man hisses out, with a scrowl on his face.

I step up next to Shane and he takes my hand in his without even looking.

"Great. You have some skank with you now? Don't expect us to support some bastard grandchild." The woman rolls her eyes.

Those words leave me seeing red, yeah that is true. My hand that Shane is not holding balls up.

Shane starts to shake but I have beat him to it.

"Let me tell you something, you stuck up overly plastered face bitch. You have no right to start assuming anything because you know nothing about me. See how I just called you names, well boo-fucking-hoo, at least mine is based on your currently acting and look. As for the other about me being pregnant, I am not and even if I was I would never in my life let a child of mine be around someone so heartless towards her own child." I pause to take a breath since I rushed it out.

The old man goes to open his mouth but I beat him too.

"I'm not finished yet!" I seethe.

It seems to shock them enough as neither of these old stuck up snobs say a word. Only their mouths open in shock, good someone needs to talk sense into their behinds.

My Gram would have had the newpaper at my butt if I acted like them.

Shane steps behind me as his arms wrap around me and he leans down to rest his chin on my shoulder.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Couldn't have them go without something happening right?

Who is ready to see more of the heated Samantha?

It is the best when your spouse sticks up for you isn't it?

It is the best when your spouse sticks up for you isn't it?

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