36. Taking My Heart

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I see Lola and Jovi's cars when I pull into the clinic

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I see Lola and Jovi's cars when I pull into the clinic. Shocking they still beat me here this morning, since I am twenty minutes before opening time. Being it is a Thursday though, I know it is Jovi's main surgery day so it doesn't surprise me that he is here early to prep and get ready.

I open the back door and let my fur babies out. I lock up the car and open the back door, both my babies walk inside. No sooner than they disappear around the corner, my crazy sister squeals and I hear her feet on the floor coming me way.

"Samantha." Lola opens her arms and hugs me tight. "I thought I would never get my sister back from that sexy trucker."

I roll my eyes and hug Lola back. "In your theatrics again there sis. You know I wouldn't let my clinic go and give up taking care of animals that need help." I play along, pulling back from the hug to put my hand over my heart.

"It is good to see you again, girl." Jovi smirks walking into the back with Fluffier in his arms.

"Not you too with the theatrics." I laugh and shake my head.

I walk over and rub Fluffier's head. "You little traitor, I see who you ran too wanting some attention." Fluffier purs and nuzzles my hand.

"So I want all the details and like now. You girl, for years have not let a man close to you. Then just spent well over twenty-four hours with one." Jovi raises an eyebrow.

"Oh come on! I hang out with you and your a guy." I sass.

"Yeah, but I prefer my own type and you haven't with any other guy for years." Jovi gives me that knowing look.

"What would you say if Shane and I have admitting to loving each other? Also I basically asked and told him to move in, that when he is not on the road working that I want him at the house." I get out quickly.

Lola literally screams and Jovi puts Fluffier down quickly to laugh. Lola ends up joining him and I stand back to lean against on the counter top.

"Wait? You are serious." Jovi looks up from laughing.

I nod and smile. "Very. I spoke with Gram before the convention and she told me some things that I finally listened too. My heart knows what it wants and when Shane left last night it was like he was taking my heart with him."

Lola's mouth drops open. "Maybe we should have got you to talk with Gram years ago."

"I don't know what I would have done but something about Shane from the very beginning pulled me to him." I smile just with the thought of Shane.

"You're right Lola she has always listened to Gram. Then again we all have. Gram has got my butt many times over the years and she still would without thinking twice." Jovi cackles.

I laugh because that is very true. Gram has took Jovi in like he is her grandson and had got him with the newpaper,  just as she has with Lola and myself. My family really took Jovi in even moreso when his parents didn't like when he brought his first boyfriend home but we have always been proud that Jovi knew what he wants and likes.

I go over everything that has happened on what Gram told me before I caught my flight out to the convention. To the part of when Shane saved me and left last night. Of course, I left out our little private time but then again Shane is anything but small.

"You slept with him too already." Jovi states instead of asking, while looking at me hard.

I walk over to my desk and dig in my purse that I laid down earlier before explaining everything, to pull out the pamplets that I got from the convention. My cheeks are a deep red by now, no doubt when Jovi stated that.

"I mean Samantha did say she loved him, so that seems only fitting Jovi." Lola comes to my rescue but it only leads to them bickering like siblings.

Jovi gets to his surgeries and Lola answers the phone. I get to talk to Shane during lunch which didn't go without some teasing from Lola and Jovi all to which Shane heard too. We shared some extremely great laughs.

Shane does sound like he got some rest but not to his full level I wish he sounded. We promised to speak again tonight and I let him know that I may not answer when he calls because I do plan to go visit Gram after I get done here. So I told him I would call him after and smiled before we said our goodbyes.

I do enjoy how we tell each other we love one another before hanging up. Makes things feel smooth when saying that. Okay, more like I feel light and airy when we say that to each other. There is a trust there with Shane that I have and I don't see him ever breaking it just as he feels with me.

"I am going to visit Gram and then I can come back here and take over for the night." I smile to Jovi.

"Nah, I got it tonight. I honestly have enjoyed staying with them at night here." Jovi nods.

"Are you and your boyfriend okay?" I look at him closer.

"Oh yeah, he has just been out of town for three days now with work. They needed more hands up north to prep for the winter that is coming." Jovi smiles.

I grab my purse and keys, which brings Oreo and Fluffier running to me. "Hey guys! Do you want to go see Gram?" I pet on their heads. Oreo starts prancing around and doing his happy dance.

Jovi and I both laugh at how excited Oreo is right now.

"Have a good visit and tell Gram I said hi for me please." Jovi gives me a side hug.

I walk out of the clinic and lock up the back door. Lola left a little bit ago but she is excited to get to her place, apparently just recently she has been redecorating everything.

Getting to Grams is a smooth drive and my fur babies are ovely excited. They jump over my lap when I open the door instead of waiting when they see Gram at her front door. Making us both laugh as I get up to her and she pulls me in a tight hug.

"I am so happy and proud of you Samantha." Gram whispers in my ear.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Seems like Jovi and Lola didn't believe Samantha at first?
Does it seem like they are supportive in everyway for Samantha?

How will the visit with Gram go?

Isn't that some of the best feelings when someone tells you how happy and proud you made them from loved ones?

Isn't that some of the best feelings when someone tells you how happy and proud you made them from loved ones?

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