17. Safe

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Tanker and I finally got to the new spot and see many semi's parked and shut off for the night

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Tanker and I finally got to the new spot and see many semi's parked and shut off for the night. Looks like I will doing the same because I am out of miles that I am allowed for the day.

The company manager comes out and we go over the paper work. I can see the building next to us is full of life inside with many nice dressed people going in.

I get the papers signed once everything is loaded up and I padlock the back up. I step inside my truck and feed Tanker his food, while I munch on the last half of the sub I left for my dinner tonight.

We get in the back and I see my phone still mostly charged from when we left the hotel early this morning. My mind travels to Samantha and I can't wait until she calls. Not sure what time it may be though because I know her convention is happening.

I lay on top of the bedding since I don't plan on actually sleeping until I can hear her sweet voice.

Tanker jumps on the end and lays his head on my leg. I pick up a book and start to read through it. One of the past times I tend to do while on the road, because it is not like I have a tv in this truck and I don't want to run the battery down on my phone watching things.

Tanker's head jumps up and I can see his ears perk up a second later.

"What is it boy?" I sit up and put the book down.

Tanker goes back up to his seat and looks out the window.

I step up and sit in the driver seat. Then it reaches my ears. A females voice screaming out.

My eyes scan over the parking lot off to the side. I catch just as a person seems to put someone over his shoulder and slowly starts to walk.

I open my cab door and jump out. I round my truck in a sprint, looking at the figure that is still moving and walking this direction. I run up and stand in front of him as a woman is screaming still. The voice seem to stir something up in me but the pitch is all wrong for it to be who I am thinking it could be.

"Hey! Put her down nice and slow." I yell to the guy just so he can hear me.

The last thing I want is for him to just throw the lady down and her get hurt because of it even more.

I watch as he smirks but her hands stop moving behind him, as she tries to turn her head.

"Get your own woman."

"Really? You are one sick bastard for even saying that. Women are not property and you sure as hell don't force yourself on them." I fume.

Tanker comes up and for the first time ever, I see him show his teeth and let out a loud growl.

The guy looks down to Tanker with wide eyes.

"Call your dog off." The guy tries to demand.

"Put the lady down now." I counter back.

He finally lets her legs go and I watch as he starts to move and sit her down on her own feet. Once she is standing on her own, the guy raises his hand towards me.

I step up and land a left hook, knocking him down to the ground. Tanker growls once more but gets by the lady.

She seems to lose her balance from the blood rushing through her from behind hung upside down for the length of time she was. My hands shoot out and steady her quickly, as her back is to me still.

The guy gets up and runs off.

"Pussy." I mutter under my breath.


"Samantha?" My eyes go wide just as she turns in my hands to face me.

"How? What? Oh, God he was going to force himself on me." She starts to breath just as fast as the tears start to pour from her eyes.

"Hey you're safe now." I calmly try to talk to her, but my heart rate just went to the sky along with my anger that she was the one this prick was taking away.

Her body starts to shake and I wrap my arms around her more, just as her legs seem to give out from under her. I pick her up in my arms bridal style and carry her with me to the truck.

"Tanker. Truck." I let him know.

Tanker follows next to me closely and keeps bumping my leg gently.

We get to the truck and my door is still wide open from the hurry I was in.

"Can you climb up?" I ask Samantha gently.

She nods slowly, seeming to calm some.

I push her back up and she grabs the side bar to pull out of my arms, I keep a hand on her back, until she is in the seat. I see her move over to the passenger side and Tanker takes a few steps back before jumping in. I am the last to climb into my cab, with Tanker making his way to the sleeper part with Samantha in his normal spot.

I sit in the driver seat and watch her. How is it we're in the same place and time? I am more than thankful we was and it is more than luck it worked out this way. Maybe I should have asked her where the convention was?

"Thank you." Her voice trembles.

"No need to thank me. I am just happy I was literally right next door to stop him. I didn't know it was you until you said my name." I look at her.

I know she is trembling from the thoughts of what could have happened and not the cold, but I still step into the sleeper and grab my blanket to place around her. Sometimes to help with nerves is to be wrapped up tightly to settle the bodies reaction.

"I knew it was you once I stopped screaming and heard you talking." She stutters.

"Where are you staying?" I ask her.

"A hotel a mile up the road from here. I didn't book right behind here because they were sold out from the convention already."

I nod. "I can't drive anymore today. I can call a taxi if you want me too?"

I am not sure what she may want and I truly don't want to have her out of my sight but I also have to respect if she needs room to process too. I just want her to know she has options and I only brought her here to keep her safe.

"Can I just sit here for a little bit?" Her voice wobbles with the whisper.

"Of course. I brought you here to get you in a safe zone but I wanted to offer incase you felt trapped." I gently reply.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Shane had good timing right?

Is he doing things the right way with handling her care after such a scare?

Can this bring them even closer together?

Can this bring them even closer together?

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