5. Speechless

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"Okay with Tanker being your service dog, I will allow you to stay within the clinic with him

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"Okay with Tanker being your service dog, I will allow you to stay within the clinic with him. Just please don't tell anyone I let you do this." Samantha's seems to plead.

"There is no one for me to tell." I reply easily with a calm voice.

She doesn't ask a question further but pulls out papers from a drawer.

I look back at Tanker and stroke his fur. There is times I steal a glance at the vet. Must admit she is a sight to see and looks fairly young to be left in charge overnight here. Not like I can talk am I twenty-five year old myself.

The part that interest me the most about her, besides her obvious beauty, is how she doesn't ask any questions unless it has to do with Tanker's health currently. Even then though I gave her the most basic version on what happened and she didn't want more it was fine that all she knows is he was hit with a baseball bat. Never did she ask if Tanker had started it.

People are naturally curious and I have gotten to used to questions along with how to dodge them if I didn't want to share private information. It actually surprises me with how quiet Samantha is.

"Could you finish filling out the rest of this paper for me? I just need your name, phone number, and then if you have a physical address to be added. It is for his file I am creating like I do for every animal." Samantha's voice is soft and gentle the entire time she talks.

"Sure." I take the clipboard and pen.

Her voice is something else too. Ever so soft and gentle, other than when she was wanting fast answers for Tanker.

The little clicks sound on the floor as a husky prances over to where I sit on a bench with Tanker next to my leg.

"Hi to you too." I chuckle when the husky starts licking my hand.

Tanker sniffs the other dog, who moves onto sniffing Tanker out. My eyes widen when the husky starts licking Tankers leg.

"Oreo! No. Leave them alone." Samantha's voice calls out from the other side of the back room we have all moved to after getting out of the patient room.

The husky puffs out air and walks over to a dog bed where a gray tabby cat lays sleeping.

"Sorry about Oreo, if he is bothering guys. He is an attention pooch but extremely lovable." Samantha laughs lightly.

Her laugh makes my heart flutters. Something I am not used too at all.

"He was fine, just licking on Tanker's leg." I smile some at her and feels just as strange to do.

I look at her hands where she holds a first aid box.

"Hope you don't mind? It's just you need to clean that up instead of just the gauze I handed you earlier. Unless you go get yourself checked out at the emergency room, but if you refuse to do that then this has to be done at least here." Her face is firm.

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