So in the next couple of minutes, I closed my laptop and put it away as well as the notbeooks and unlocked the door. After that we both went downstairs to the kitchen. Oh little did I know that the true hilarious part would only come now.

Nezu: Is this the Yama-Zawa house hold?

Like the moment we got to the living room where the open kitchen was in one end, he just stopped in midtrack and looked bewildered. After that he looked at me and I felt his eyes on my back so I truned around to see his mouth dropped nearly to the floor. Okay not the floor, I am exaggerating but you get it.

Me: Yama-zawa?

Never heard of that before.

It seemed as if dadzawa and papamic knew him tho...

Wait.. does he mean with Yamazawa ... Yamada and Aizawa?

Haha ups...

Nezu: Yamada and Aizawa.

Yeah... figured that much.

Am I in trouble now?


Or am I?

Me: Yeah. Why?

Nezu: Do they know I am here?

Me: Yeah about that....

Nezu: I see. 

Me: Well they wanted to basically throw you out which I didn't want.

Nezu: Throw me out? I doubt that they would do that considering who I am.

Me: Should I know about you? 

Nezu: ... They haven't told you?

Me: They tried but I didn't wanted to listen like don't get me wrong, having a chimera at home is epic.

Nezu: HAHAHAHAHA You already identified me as a chimera, very interresting.

Me: Ahm DAHH! It's obvious with the bear paws, the dog like snoot mixed with mouse or rat tail. You are a chimera.

Nezu: I will forgive you since you didn't know it better.

Me: know what?

Okay I feel bad now.

Should I have listened to what they said?

Gosh why is this feeling as if I did such a stupid mistake.

Dang it!

I don't like this.

One bit.

What is soo special about this chimera anyways?

Nezu: Let me intruduce myself. I am Nezu, the bear-mouse-dog thing and the principal of UA.


Now it was my turn to look bamboozled. Like I was alerady in the kitchen and took out some cheese to make a cheesy sandwitch for the mouse as well as some tea for myself but I could tell by how he looked at me that he wanted some too so the moment I had everything ready and he told me who he was, I dropped the two cups of tea before placing it in front of the chimera. At least the sandwitch made it on the table safe.


Not only did the two things broke and the hot tea was spilled but because of how I reacted I got some on my leg as well. Still I didn't care for my injury but the cup instead.

Me (whispering): Ah this is bad... this is bad... they won't like this... what do I do...

Nezu: How about calm down first Izuku.

Ignoring what I said, I tried to pick up the pieces from the ground but instantly cut my hand. The problem was, that I didn't feel the cut at all and continued until I saw a hand which basically pulled my hand to the side and forced my palm to be upwards showing to the one person.

Aizawa: Stop it, Izuku! You're not there anymore! It's replaceable. Don't worry about it.

Me: I am sorry.

Aizawa: It's fine as I said.

Mic: Nezu, sorry for all this. I hope you can forgive him and us.

Nezu: It's alright. 

Aizawa: Nezu?

Mic: Ahm Nezu?

Aizawa stood up for a moment leaving me on the ground croaching and that was when Nezu hopped down and went around the table. He was fast enough to get around and then come to my side and just hug me.

Nezu: You seemed as you need this.

My eyes went wide open and I accepted the hug of course sine he was dressed soo fluffy that I couldn't resist at all.

Me (whispering): Thank you.

Nezu: I owe you anyways.

Aizawa: *sigh* Let me see you hand now problem child.

With that we all moved away and it was Mic who cleaned up the rest of the mess while Aizawa started to pick out the small shards from my palm and then clean the wound and bandage me up. That was all for today since I was sent up to sleep with a warning to really go to sleep this time which I did immediately. 

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