Chapter - 24 | Punishments amd Threats

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December 17, 2021, Friday

Who put the glad in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor



No one's fool!
Now the boy's in school!
He's in training!
Smart and shy
And the nicest guy
No complaining
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Give him a quick chance
He's our hero
He's almost likely to succeed

From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
He'll be a hero!

Wait and see!

You must be thinking why we are singing the Hercules theme song, don't worry because I have been asking myself ever since I woke up to find Piero watching the show loudly in the living room. I don't even know if I should be mad at him or happy because this happens every day, he has brought a liveliness in my usual empty home, and I can't help but be thankful to him. He had made small changes in every room, like he decorated the living room with photo frames with photos of me, him and our family. There were some large photos that now hanged on walls and the staircase. My favorite one was the family photo we clicked on thanksgiving, which dominated the wall in the main living room. It was the best family dinner I ever had, it just felt so right, so perfect that I never wanted it to be over. Kat and Emilio have now become our parents in a sense because of how much they care about us, and we care about them. All of us grew very close to each other after that day almost spend every day together either at my place or at the Rivera Residence. And to make things better my Tio and Piero have also gotten to know each other a lot better. They talk via phone or texts, most of the time roasting me or talking about my habits or how Americans make the worst Pasta. It makes me so giddy that everything is falling into place, which brings me back to right now.

I watch as my beautiful Gattina repeats the theme song again and sways his hips dancing sensually in that pretty blue Suit. The pants fit perfectly so his ass looks so fucking sexy that I just want to bend him over the sofa and fuck him senseless. But we don't have much time since we have to go to my office today for a breakfast meeting with my Tio who is finally coming to the States for a meeting with the Koreans and the Americans. Well, the Americans are our cousins, and their Mafia is a part of the Italian Mafia, but they have their own rules and problems.

"Topo! You are finally ready!" Kitten says with a cheeky grin.

"If you would have gotten ready on time maybe we wouldn't be running late." I grumble.

"So why are you wasting time arguing with me?" He says sassily. My eyes darken at his brattiness. Just because I am lenient, does not mean I am going to allow his disrespect towards me. And he seems to notice this, so he casts his eyes downwards and bites his lip. "Sorry Papi." He mumbles.

"You should be. Just because I don't punish you often does not mean you can be bratty." I scold him. "Did you take your medicines?" I ask remembering that I told him to take them as soon as he comes down. But judging by the look on his face he hasn't. "You haven't." I state. I sigh and go to the drawer attached to the wall where I keep the medicines along with the first aid. I Take the medicines in my hand and give them to him. "We are leaving." I say in monotonous voice which makes him frown but he just nods and follows me outside. Stephano and Marco are already there with the car, so we get inside quickly and drive off.

"Mi dispiace Papi! Per favore, non ignorarmi!" (I am sorry Papi! Please don't ignore me!) My baby whimpers. He loves my attention on him and if I ignore him, he loses his mind. I love it too; I love that he is clingy to me and wants me around all the time, but I need to punish him for his insubordinate behavior. I have been very easy on him, but he is making it hard because day by day he is acting badly. Last night he did not study at all, and I had already scolded him last Saturday because he was slacking in his homework and Assignments. So yes, he is going to receive his first ever punishment today. I already have in mind what I am going to do. But I can't ignore him. That will be bad for his health since he will be depressed.

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