Chapter - 8 | Meeting the Devils

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"I am so sorry Lucifer, I promise I will never be late again! Just please don't fire me." I say as soon as he arrives in his office. He studies my face for a second and says,

"I am not angry at you Piero, I would never be, it's okay that you were late today but don't make it a habit!" He gives me a warm smile.

"What about your friends, they don't think I am pathetic?" My eyes start to water.

"No, they would never, I am your big brother, so they know better than to make you feel bad." He gives me a big hug, "Now, calm down your breathing, did you have a fit?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

"No, I didn't, I am fine, I was just a bit scared." I admit sheepishly.

"Like I said, do not worry, do you want to go home?"

"No of course not!" I think for a second and suddenly an amazing idea flows through my mind. "How about I serve all your friends, a special drink?! They will even get to know my work!" Now I am excited to impress them! They will forget whatever happened before!

"That is a good idea! But you must make a light drink. They all are going to do a scene later." As soon as I heard that, my mind drifted to the Italian dom. Was he also going to do a scene, somehow I felt a deep pang in my heart. I did not want to see him with someone.

What is wrong with you Piero?!! You cannot be with him! Don't be stupid! My subconscious yelled at me. It was right, I should not care. I will ignore the guy. Yes! That's what I will do. Even though he was a bastardo before, that handsome looking devil deserves someone better than my dying self.

"You meet us there with drinks, before the third show starts." Luci tells me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes! Of course! I am leaving then!" I say as I scurry out of his office. I quickly make my way towards the bar, where I see Brandy making drinks. I go behind the bar and take out cocktail glasses. Brandy looks at me with an amused look. He is a sub who works part time, he will leave at 11 when his dom arrives.

"What's gotten you so hyped up?" He asks.

"I have to serve Boss and his friends my best drinks."

"You mean the SIX DEVIL DOMS?"


"Yup... they are called the Devils. They are VIP doms, it's always an honour to play with them." He explains. I nod but continue my work. Well I have to impress 5 Devil doms, who are VIP, and to top that the third show is going to start in minutes. Yeah what could possibly go wrong?

I literally rush towards the VIP section, where I see all the doms seated, some of them have subs kneeling on the floor beside them. My eyes first search the sexy Italian. No one is kneeling near him. My face instantly lightens up, but I cast my eyes down. There is so much dominance radiating off of them! They all lean forward to get the drinks. I stand there holding my breath, do they like it? If the do, why isn't anyone saying anything? I peek up and see the doms, their eyes are wide open, ok...... they liked it?

"I LOVE IT!!!!" A playful but slightly strict voice tells me. I look up to see a man engulfing me in a total unexpected hug. I could feel his abs from my shirt. Hmmm....... I hear a throat getting cleared.

"Get away from him Christian!" I hear the sexy Italian man say. Christian or should I say Master Christian chuckles and then gives me a peck on my cheek. The Italian growls, what does he want? I do like a possessive man.....

Get in your senses Piero! Once he hears about your sickness, he will be disgusted and then break your heart!!!

"It's very tasty!" It was the same voice that saved me earlier this evening from my panic attack. " I am Louis, by the way." I gave him a nod.

"It's impressive, I am Zexion." His was so cold and dominating, it sent shivers down my spine.

"It really is, the name's Eliezar." I could feel his gaze. He was watching me like a prey.

"I am Alessandro gattina. That's an excellent cocktail, I hope all your juices taste so good." I could almost hear the arrogant smirk in his voice. But I was blushing like a madman now, and then I got a boner!!!! Cazzo! I was turned on just by that sexual innuendo!

Master Christian chucked beside me, I need to have a nasty comeback!

"Oh trust me! My juices are the sweetest maybe you should come with me to taste it." That made him growl and judging from the obvious boner straining from his leather pants, I knew I had won! I gave him a victorious smirk but quickly cast my eyes down when I see fratello glaring. I bid them all farewells and leave but not before winking at the Italian Master.


This past week has been great for me! I am so happy with my job, but being boss does not mean I get to order people around. Sadly. I have to help the workers in the stockroom. Fill in if someone is on leave, which let me tell you happens a lot because mostly all the workers are subs, so they ask me if they can go with their masters or any random masters to play with. Of course I deny at first but then they give me that damn puppy dog look and I melt. Fuck those stronzos! And then there is fratello, it's been great with him, he mostly spends the night here. Mom and dad are so happy to have him, it's like my life has taken a 180 degree turn!

This reminds of Alessandro, that sexy man. He has been the star of my wet dreams every night! Ugh! Just thinking about him got me hard! I look at the time and see that there is still some time till breakfast so I go to my bathroom and get naked.

My dick is already hard as I think of Master Alessandro. I give light strokes to my dick, while thinking about him tying me up. His hands pinch my nipples and I go crazy, his lips kissing down my neck as he leaves hickeys all over, I struggle under him as his big dick ( which I assume is big) probes my entrance. I pump my dick faster thinking of him fucking me so roughly that I can feel him for days. My dick twitches in my hand and pulses as I cum all over the my bathroom wall.

As I come down from my high, I hear someone knocking on my door. I quickly rush outside, of course after I put on my boxers, only to see Luci smirking with a knowing look on his face. Cazzo! Did he hear my moans? Oh my gosh!!!! I was moaning for his best friend!

"He was jacking off again!" He shouts. And I attack him with  all my strength. He laughs loudly making me angrier. He then carries me downstairs, where of course mom and dad are making out heavily!

"Who is this mystery man you have been fantasizing about? You are jacking off more than usual. I am surprised your dick is still intact!" My dad said with an amused look.

"My best friend Alessandro apparently." My idiota of a friend says before me. "He is Italian as well." How the fuck did he know??!!! "You were moaning his name before and I saw you giving him bedroom eyes at the club."

"You know Piero, it's a good idea if you become a member at the club. You can have meaningless sex all the time." Luci says seriously. I do not reply and just sit down grabbing a plate for myself and get lost in thoughts. He is right! Maybe becoming a member is not a bad idea indeed.....

Future predictions? Can you please tell a ship name?

Sexy Piero up there....

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