Chapter - 14 | First night at the club

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September 17, 2021, Friday


"This is perfect daddy!" He said before going into deep slumber. My baby boy, I am not really into that kink but it felt hot when my gattina said it. Though I liked it more when he called me Padrone. This was so perfect, so right. I felt so good, even though it was rough. I never want this to end, and tonight at the club, I will show everyone he is mine! Every dom that dared to flirt with him will now realize that he is taken. He is my submissive. Only mine. I can't wait!

Which reminds me that I will have to draft a contract for us two, then I will collar him. Ohhh it feels as if my life has changed in an instant. He was right earlier, I needed to come out. If I want to truly enjoy this, I need to take the big step, well I don't care about the press or anything but I am scared of how my parents will react to all this. They are so big homophobes, I don't really care for their opinion but some part of me wants to care for them. I sigh as I think how will they react. My sweet gattina is not my 'dirty little secret' as he puts it, I would never do that to him. I like him so much already, his sassy attitude, his beautiful eyes, those sweet lips have become my drug and I don't think my craving for him will ever stop. I take him in my my arms and nuzzle my face into his neck, he unconsciously cuddles more into me. I slowly and carefully put his body on me, he weighs so light, sleep finds me soon enough because I am tired.


"Gattina!" No answer.

"Gattina!" No answer.

"PIERO!!!!! Come on we need to leave, if we don't want my friends to eat everything." Dio! He is taking so long to get ready! He has been in the bathroom since an hour and half but is still not ready!

Earlier his mom came by to drop off his clothes, since he will be spending the night with me. I have already asked Luci to keep the contract ready, I just need to make some changes. We will discuss the contract tonight, since my gattina's ass is sore, we won't play and come home directly after his job is over. That is if he gets ready soon.

Deciding to make him hurry, I go to check in the bathroom what is he up to, only to see him applying some black liquid with a paint brush on his eyelids. It seems he is rather focused on what he is doing, so I decide not to disturb him. After he completes that, he applies something on his lips, wait I know that one! That's called lipstick! Looks like my gattina likes to wear makeup, well he does look edible and absolutely beautiful in that. He has already put on his club outfit, so his soft creamy legs are on display. Fuck! He looks so fucking good in these leather shorts, though they leave nothing to imagination, I will have a hard time telling the doms off. And with him working there, is no good. I look at him again and see him getting one of black shirts on.

"What's that for?" I ask curiously. He jumps and turns to look at me with a cheeky smile.

"I wanted to wear something of yours, and wearing a shirt is a part of my dress code anyway." That makes me frown, none of the bartenders wear a shirt. He notices my curious face and sighs, then proceeds to show me a long scar near his belly button. I had seen it today but never asked him about it. "It was the first time I had an epileptic fit, and the fact that I had a knife in my hand did not help at all. I was trying to hold onto something, so I grabbed the kitchen platform with the knife hand and before I knew it I was shaking violently the knife digged inside me. It was painful, and I woke up the day after In a hospital." Tears have gathered in his eyes, and my heart breaks hearing that my little kitten could have been severely injured by that. I swiftly go to him and give him a big hug.

"How old were you baby?"


"You are never setting foot in the kitchen from now on." I say with complete determination. He giggles and looks at me with his big eyes, that hold amusement.

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