Chapter - 11 | Make me your slut Padrone!

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September 17, 2021, Friday


I woke up to the sun glaring at my face and bladder screaming to be relieved. I tried to wiggle out of my place but something kept me trapped. I tried to wiggle more but then a voice caused me to stiffen.

"Move your cute little ass one more time my gattina and I will not be responsible for my further actions." Ohhhhh..... I have a hot Italian boyfriend now. Well last night was truly magical, if we cut the part where I fainted.

"Well if you do fuck me, I will probably pee and not cum, so how about you let me go." I sass.

"Hmm.. sure." He let's go of me and I get up from the bed stretching. As soon as I enter the attached bathroom, I notice Alessandro behind me. He gives me a cocky smirk.

"Get out, I can't pee with you watching me!!" I squeal.

"I will never leave you alone.  Not now! Not ever! So why don't you get comfortable." He says standing there. I shrug as I go to the toilet seat and relieve myself. As I finish my business I say,

"So.... You were serious yesterday?" I ask as I wash my hands and go back to the room.

"Of course gattina! I am your boyfriend now!" He says excitedly. "Also your dom." He adds. I raise a brow and sit on the bed.

"You want me as both?" If he says yes I will explode!!! There is no way he will want me. Not after what happened yesterday, maybe he is just saying all this to make me feel better. Did Luci pushed him to do this??

"I know what you're thinking, I suggest you stop that, I want you as both because I like you Piero. So the main question is, do you want me?" He asks. Oh god above take me!!! A sexy Italian man wants me!!

"Of course! I still can't believe you are my boyfriend!" I squeal.

"Trust me gattina, the pleasure is all mine." He says with a warm smile. "Now I am calling the doctor so get on the bed." I nod and sit comfortably on the bed. Alessandro goes out of the room leaving me to my own thoughts.

My first thought is, where the hell are my parents? Last thing I remember about them is that they were threatening my boyfriend. Oh just thinking about this is making my stomach flutter. So back to my parents, did they just leave me? I don't think so. Knowing my mom she is probably fucking dad in some hospital room.

"Good morning Piero." Dr Anderson's voice gets me out of my thoughts. "How are you feeling today?"

"The best! I also have a boyfriend now, so probably the best I have been in many years." He chuckles.

"That is good to know, but I am going to prescribe you to see a therapist . It will help better. And as for your medicines you already know so I won't repeat it, also you will have to visit every two weeks from today." He says. I nod my head cursing him in my brain of course, why did he have to say these things in front of Alessandro!?! "Your discharge papers are ready so you can leave. Have a good day." He smiles and leaves us.

"Change into your clothes gattina, I will take care of the papers." Alessandro says, more like orders.

"Ohk, but wait! Where is my family?!" I ask. I see a little hurt in his eyes, but before I can comment on that he speaks replies.

"They went home, your mom was very tired and so was your dad, they left an hour before we woke up and as for Luci, he left a note saying that he is going to bring some coffee, I will just call him and tell him that we are leaving and he can directly meet us at my place." It's good mom and dad went home, they work so much because they have to take care of my medical bills, they deserve a rest. I do want to see Luci, I will see him soon enough at Alessandro's place...... Wait a minute, at his fucking place!!! I look up to see him giving me an amused look.

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