Chapter 26

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The competition has started, Bai and her males are just watching fighting each other brutally just to have a female until two foxes, orange and red approach Bai.

Name - Zel

Age - 24

Status - Orc

Race - Red Fox

Relation - Mate

Title - Third Prince


Name - Zack

Age - 28

Status - Orc

Race - Orange Fox

Relation - Mate

Title - Fifth Prince

I feel like I'm marrying the whole tribe!

"Female, please accept our gifts," Zel said with nervousness in his voice, Zack didn't say anything and just gave his gifts to Bai, she mentally giggle at their cuteness.

Zel has four red stripes on his abdomen while Zack has three orange stripes, two on his left arm and one on his right arm.

Danilo sees his brothers and is upset that Bai accepted their gifts, he roar which takes some attention including the rulers, "FIGHT ME!" Zel and Zack immediately accept his challenge and began to fight in their beast form.

Bai began to worry since there is a rule in the competition, if the unmated male lost to the female's male they have no chance to court the female they like. She just met them but now she is worried about them.

The fight began to intensify as the three of them become so brutal until Zack sneak attack Danilo in the behind and bite his back to hold him down in just ten seconds.

After ten seconds of struggling, Zack and Zel won the battle while Danilo hold his head in shame, thinking Bai will abandon him, "don't feel ashamed Dan," Bai said and kisses his forehead.

She also did the same to Zack and Zel so they won't feel jealous. The competition is still ongoing but Bai left with her two new males while the others stay in the bonfire to let her get to know the new males.

Danilo is relieved Bai didn't abandon him but is mad that two of his brothers got interested in his female. Bai and the other two foxes just walk at the side of the river holding hands with Bai.

"We are really happy that you accept us," Zack said with a smile, the same with Zel, and Bai is now confused why they don't look mad at each other.

"I thought males mad at each other because of females? Why are you two so calm about it?" Bai asked.

"We promise each other to share a female,"

"Danilo is supposed to be with us but he didn't like sharing," Zel explained and sigh.

No wonder Danilo is so furious at them unlike his reaction at Virgil which is a bit calm.

They began to know each other, their life, what they like or dislike, and their hobbies. After knowing each other they went back to the bonfire and noticed the competition is still ongoing except there was a snake clan and a scorpion clan, which surprised Bai because scorpions are hated by every race.

"I thought there was no snake clan?" Bai wondered, "they have but they don't usually attend bonfires. I don't know their intentions but just stay away from them," Zack warned her.

"I think you guys didn't know I have two feral snakes," they both turned to her wide eyes open.

Bai showed them to Felix and Curtis and both of them are a bit uncomfortable with the two ferals, "I hope they don't eat us," Bai giggle at their nervousness and kiss their cheeks.

As they watch the competition, Bai sees two snakes looking in her direction and two holograms appeared which frustrated her.

Name - Umbra

Age - 38

Status - Orc

Race - Snake

Relation - Mate

Title - Prince


Name - Magel

Age - 38

Status - Orc

Race - Snake

Relation - Mate

Title - Second Prince

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