Chapter 14

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After finding out Bella is the one who poisoned Bai she was immediately called by the tribe leader. Bella's other males got worried about why she was called.

They went to the tribe's house and he was sitting on the chair, with anger, "you think we didn't know Bella? You almost killed a pregnant female!" He yelled at her.

Bella began to cry and act like she didn't know, "tribe leader in innocent! I didn't know what you are talking about-"

"Stop it Bella! Alva is the one who found out you're the one who poisons a pregnant female! She was already sick and you make it worse! Do you even know that killing a pregnant female will cause consequences!?"

Bella's males immediately kneel, "Tribe leader please just punish us! Our Bella is innocent!"

"You think?! She was the reason why a pregnant female is dying!" He yelled louder, enough for everyone outside to hear him.

Suddenly, someone barged in, "Tribe leader! The female is finally cured!" Bella frowned. She didn't expect Bai to survive. The tribe leader's anger dissipated when he heard the news.

"And tribe leader, the pregnant female wants to confront her if she is the one who poisons her," the male said. Now everyone is curious what she looks like.

The male stepped aside and a female entered with eleven males by her side, she held her chin up as she looks at Bella. She began to act scared and grab Oscar's arms and hide behind him, peeking.

"W-why did you p-poison me?" Bai asked in a shaky voice acting very scared but deep inside she wants revenge. "Poison?! I didn't do it!" She yelled and Bai flinched and began to cry on Oscar's shoulder.

"I don't know why you hate me... I didn't even do anything to you!" She said and eventually cried harder. Because of Bella's anger, she let out the truth, "if you didn't rob my male I wouldn't poison you!" She then realizes and has now a horrified face.

"Put them in the dungeon!" Bai's husbands has to take Bai home to calm her down while the guards drag Bella and her males.

Bai finally smiled in victory and was led to their home but she was so stressed that she feels a pain in her stomach. They had to carry her back to their home while Alva watch them from far away.

He realizes he is in love with her and needs to find a way to woo her, he is confident she will choose him to be her male because he is the most handsome male in the peacock tribe.

He then follows them towards their home. They feel someone following them and turn around to see Alva, "what do you want?" Bai asked, very annoyed.

Alva didn't say anything and transform into a peacock then began to flap his tail, showing the colors of his feathers. Bai watch him and frowned.

For her, it looks ugly and no hologram appears, "stop doing that, I don't like it," Bai said. Alva stopped and stared at Bai with wide eyes. Her eyes are filled with disgust and disappointment.

For her, the feathers are way too vibrant. She sighs and motions her mates to let her go home. Alva looked down in shame but he still won't give up.

So he went home not knowing one of his brothers watched him get rejected.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Alva came back again with fruits and flapped her tail again after she rejected him many times and it started to annoy her. She went out to take some fresh air in the forest.

As she walks few males tried to woo her but she ignores them. Some are dull, some are vibrant and some of them are not her type. When she reaches the lake she sees a man that has pale skin, black hair, purple eyes, and no stripes.

Name - Zane

Age - 39

Status - Orc

Race - Peacock

Relation - Mate

Status - Prince

The Zane sees Bai and was surprised. They stare for a few moments when he shifts into his beast form. She already knows what he will do and got excited.

Zane opens his tail revealing the beautiful colors, there are purple dots surrounded by three small blue dots in each of his feathers and it looks so unique.

He approach her still flapping his tail and Bai's fingers trailed on his feathers, "beautiful..." Bai whispered. Zane is happy that a female like the color of his feather.

He transforms back into his orc form and takes her hand and kisses the back of it, looking at her lovely, "you are also beautiful, female."

"I'm Bai Qingqing," she introduced herself, fluttering her eyelashes, "I'm Zane, a peacock prince,"

"No wonder you are handsome," they both laughed lightly and slowly hug to each other, "you are the first female that told me beautiful, I'm happy you like me," he said with slight sadness.

She felt pity and hugs him tighter, smelling his scent that made her mind calm, "those females are blind, I'm happy you are mine now," Bai responded and feels Zane's lips on her forehead.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked and looks down at her stomach, "yes," Bai replied.

His hand touches her stomach he suddenly feels a kick, they both gasp, "I didn't know I will have a female baby," she said while giggling.

Zane offered to give her a ride and Bai accepted, she a not worried because she knows he can handle her and his size is way bigger than a normal peacock.

She climbs on him and went back to Bai's house. When the husbands of Bai sees her on top of a black peacock, their smile faded, and are replaced to frown.

Curtis, Danilo, and Winston feel his aura a bit more powerful and see that he has no marks.

A five-marked beast.

Now they feel that Bai will put more attention to the new male. Zane saw her males and cubs beside Parker and a female child in Harvey's arms.

"I never thought you have a female child already," he commented as he shifts back into an orc form, Bai sees his back filled with huge scars.

She stared and touch them with her fingertips, "do you hate it?" He asked, worried that Bai regret accepting her, she only shakes her head and said, "nope, I like it when males have scars."

When they heard her, they suddenly thought of getting a scar, Winston even wants more scar despite having one on his face. What they didn't know one peacock heard it behind the three and immediately run away to tell the tribe leader.

Bai introduced Zane to her family and they greeted each other, despite their obvious jealousy. Melissa suddenly cry and Bai went to her to comfort her.

She slowly stop and start to giggle. Zane peek at her and Melissa giggle more and made grabby hands to Zane, "she likes you," Bai said and hand Melissa over to Zane.

Zane carefully holds her in his arms and admires her eyes, she has the same eyes as her mother and suddenly thought of having a child with her but has to wait because she is pregnant.

The news spread again about Bai liking a male with scars. Peacock with scars and got rejected by females are excited and have confidence that they will get accepted by Bai.

The tribe leader is furious, he thinks the female is blind and has some worst interests when it comes to males. Alva is shocked that his brother was accepted by Bai because of his scars.

But scars make you ugly, what's so good with it?

Alva wondered and feel bitter about it, he will confront his brother about how he really got her attention and will snatch her away from him, not caring if Bai will hate him or not.

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