Yuuji, entering the perilous pass on the fifth day of their trip

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"This is quite... Mr Kevin, shall we go down?"

"Hum, well that should be fine"

The fifth day since Yuuji left the city of Premie.

Their trip to the royal capital was approaching the perilous pass.

They were crossing the mountain pass.

The horses they exchanged in the fourth inntown Yagiri-Nyon slowly ascended the hill road.

Without breaking their formation so far, Kevin's two personal escorts rode the horse in the lead.

Behind the covered wagon was the adventurers guild master Salomon, who was accompanying as an escort for the elven girl Riese.

Salomon was riding a horse as well, but he was not travelling right behind the carriage unlike before. He took a slightly diagonal rear position.

"Horsie, do your best~!"

"Do your best!"

Inside the covered wagon were Alice, Riese and the seamster Yurshelle.

The two girls cheered on the horses who were pulling the carriage. Riese was also using local words taught by Alice.

Kotarou got off the wagon bed and was running parallel to the former third rank adventurer scout Enzo in the lead on alert status.

Today, on the fifth day, they would camp on an open space at the end of the mountain pass.

On the sixth day, descending the mountain pass towards the last inn town would be the schedule.

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"Crossing a mountain is pretty difficult isn't it" "Yes it is. But, going by boat is a hit or miss after all"

Lunch break, during the crossing of the mountain pass.

Although they were slower than until the fourth day, they seemed to have advanced favorably until here.

"Crossing the mountain pass. The Hakone mountains are the swords(剣:ken) of the world, huh"

Yuuji whispered, seeing the scenery under his eyes after climbing this far. But it is not the sword.(剣:ken) It is the steepest place.(嶮:ken)

Beside Yuuji, Kotarou barked twice. It's because you're trying to look good, you idiot, was what she seemingly wanted to say.

"Wow, Yuuji-nii, it's pretty isn't it!"

"It's pretty!"

The open space that was used for lunch break commands a view of the river and the fourth inn town.

Having finished their meal, Alice and Riese joined hands and gazed at the magnificent scenery.

As if having the same opinion, Yuuji set up the tripod and began recording.

Fifth day of the trip, the crossing of the mountain pass went favorably.

Until here that is.

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The afternoon after finishing their rest.

The group crossed the meandering road and tried to scale the mountain pass.

Ignoring Yuuji stating "It's like the Iroha slope". It wasn't similar in the first place. After all there was no traffic.

"Mr Yuuji, today's campsite will be once we go a little after we cross this road cut"

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