Yuuji, Alice, Kotarou and the Beast-Kin Family Repulsing the Monster Together

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「Finally...... Finally, I could grow something other than potatoes!」(Yuuji)

Yuuji howled before the newly cultivated fields.

It had been 2 years since he first opening the land. Finally, he could plant a spring wheat.

「Umm, Yuuji-sama...... If the potatoes are planted in the same field numerous time then its harvest will decrease, so it is obvious that we will be growing something other than potatoes.......」(Marcel)

Yes, Yuuji wasn't alone this time. Yuuji's slave, the dog-kin Marcel was originally a farmer. The fields, the soil treatment and how to grow crops was his advice.

"Let's plow this field." "Alright." "A till ridge is like this." "I understand." "This is fertilizer, let's scatter it over the field." "Is it like this?" "Let's cut this tree." "Leave it to me."

It was as if Yuuji was a manual labor machine already. Since he had Rank Up, his physical power also increased. Umm. Who was the slave again? Of course, Marcel was working earnestly, since he properly honored his master.

「Yuuji-nii, this field will be sowed with seeds, right?」(Alice)

Perhaps because she was delighted to be able to help, Alice was helping to sow the fields while humming. Mark was following behind her, carrying a bag with rice seeds. His tail was wagging and his eyes were shining. It was truly a natural servant position. The strong women around Yuuji were indeed possessed a mysterious power.

"Woof woof", Kotarou returned from hunting and patrolling with the cat-kin Nina under her leadership. It seems that the hunt was fruitless. However, even though she had entered the fence, Kotarou didn't stop barking and took a vigilant stance. It was the behavior she had when she brought enemies.

「The enemies are coming. Goblins and perhaps 2 Orcs.」(Nina)

Nina arrived a bit late behind Kotarou and then she relayed the information to Yuuji and others. Nina accompanying Kotarou not only increased the hunting efficiency, but she also got better in expressing her words, so it was a huge positive gain. Kotarou was really excellent, though she couldn't speak. Perhaps.

After they heard Nina's report, Yuuji and Marcel immediately prepare their weapon. Then they left the field as it is and walked to the wooden fence further south that they had constructed in the winter.


They already completed the fence on the western side where the beast-kin family's tent resided and the southern side where the fields were located. Then again, it was just a simple constructed fence from wooden stakes driven into the ground fastened with a rope railing, and diagonal logs for support right behind it.

Yuuji and Marcel stood right behind the fence. In Yuuji's left hand was a shield while his right hand propped a short spear. Beside him, Marcel was using shield and axe. Behind them, Nina held a bow and Kotarou, who was standing with an air of composure. Since the winter, this was their standard battle formation.

However, for today, they took Alice for some reason. Mark also held shield and sword, covering in front of Alice. Although his tail was tucked between his legs and he was trembling slightly, his eyes were filled with the determination: "I will protect Alice-chan".

「Yuuji-nii, it's been a while so Alice want to do a boom with magic!」(Alice)

Alice raised her hand and exclaimed her request.

Since she was told that it was cold during the winter, so don't come outside too much, and that it would be dangerous during a battle, Alice only waited inside the house site throughout the winter. So that they would be able to gain the aptitude to do battle in the fence away from the house, Yuuji and Kotarou deliberately didn't bring Alice along. Thanks to this, it seems that quite a stress had pent up inside Alice.

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