Idle talk 4 BB [7-17]Yuuji absent bb thinking about the village's name.

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[Let's decide] I am kind of in another world when I went out of my home after 10 years part 38 [the pioneer village's name]

1 : Anonymous NEET

This is the thread where you can enjoy the information, images and videos [Yuuji] uploaded from another world!

Is this really another world? How did he make them? This is the thread to verify it.

Left the mystery of goblins and orcs becoming frequent in the forest to the adventurers.

Yuuji went to the city for the second time for inspection of the canned food workshop and greetings to the master smith.

It's going well, but we have spare time.

Therefore, let's decide the name of the pioneer village soon!

Reproduction is not allowed okay!?

The NEET posting ]]900 is to open the next thread!

72 : Anonymous NEET

This is quite difficult

It should be katakana after all right?

73 : Anonymous NEET

Yuuji village!


74 : Anonymous NEET


No wait

Isn't kanji here fine too?

Something number one pioneer group like

75 : Anonymous ETNE

Might as well be fine with Kotarou village already right!?

76 : YES Lolita NO touch

In that case

Alice-chan village!

77 : Anonymous NEET

"Chan" is too disgusting you know...

78 : Cool NEET

If there's a visitor from afar, then in order for them to notice it

How about Nihon village?

79 : Anonymous MEAT


If we go that route then

Fujiyama village

Samurai village

Ninja village

would be a hit right!?


Somehow this could work for a region...

80 : Anonymous NEET


The image of Japan will be ancient from the world's perspective you know!

Here's the latest fad:

Monster appears from balls village

White cat in ribbon village

Ninja manga village

Otaku village

81 : Anonymous NEET


Ain't these nothing but risky ones!?

If you're gonna let visitors from afar notice us

Then we don't have to limit it to Japan right?

The four-letter uppercase village

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