Chapter 3, Part 6 Yuuji's Imouto Sakura, Replying Email from Yuuji

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「Since I have already gone this far, should I go a little bit further to Nasu1?」

Yuuji's imouto, Sakura.

She just returned from visiting the electric company, gas company and waterworks bureau. She was really tired after receiving loads and loads of complains.

She was at her favorite Japanese-style café near the prefectural office having a coffee break and lunch, while escaping from reality.

She intensely fought for her own principles and position in America, even if she was only a 28 year old woman.

Furthermore, she emphasized that it was honesty.

She didn't especially return to Japan just to get scolded by a bunch of ossans.

「Waaa. But Gunji-san will come any time now, I need to get hold of myself.」(Sakura)

「Oh, so you were there? Thanks for waiting, Sakura-san.」(Gunji)

A male came and greeted Sakura.

His age was approximately in the fifties. His neat and stylish suit really didn't fit with the ambience of the Japanese-style café. His black hair only had a little bit of white color mixed in. His sharp pointed metal framed glasses furthermore reinforced his neat impression.

He was really out of place.

「Ah, Gunji-san. I'm sorry for making you come to this place.」(Sakura)

「Ah, I'm not bothered by it. Since my office is close by. It seems that my workers also occasionally come here.」(Gunji)

His voice was refined. However, he was really out of place.

Actually except for the table those two sat down at right now, the other tables were filled with the Office Ladies2 eating their late lunch or Madams3 who were chatting with each other. In the provincial city, it was an essential part for the bourgeoisie Madams to frolick a little in the fashionable café.

「Then, what do you need me to do? On the phone, you seem to be considerably troubled.」(Gunji)

Yes, that was the reason Sakura called out this out of place man to this place. It was related to the "Lifeline's Company Scolding Tour" she had done today.

「Actually...... I had some dispute with the electric company, gas company, and waterworks bureau. So I was wondering if Gunji-san could became my proxy.」(Sakura)

「There will be no problem. Your parent's accident, the inheritance, and also many others had been entrusted to our office. Because your family had always only use our service, anything law related on your family can be easily understood.」(Gunji)

On Gunji's suit a golden badge was giving off a shine. Yes, this man was the chief of Gunji Law Firm, the lawyer whose Houjou Family indebted to. He was the father of Sakura's classmate, so their relationship was a lawyer that was introduced by a friend.

「I'm really glad you said that. This state of affairs has really gone beyond absurd... This is something that I don't have any courage to consult with a lawyer I'm meeting with for the first time. Actually......」

While opening the laptop, Sakura began to explain.

No matter how much this is repeated, it is out of place.


「Fumu..... It's difficult to believe promptly. If we just think this pragmatically, I think the current point of issue is not whether the house unexpectedly went to another world or not. First let's confirms the intention of each company. If we can found a pragmatic point of compromise, generally speaking I anticipate it will be under the pretext of money, will this be alright?」(Gunji)

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