Interlude 3, Chapter 6-0. The First Yuuji's House Site Offline Camping Part 1

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Author notes: This chapter happened during Chapter 6 Prologue. Chronologically, it was one year before the current story, before Yuuji obtained the beastfolk family.

Take care since there will be CHAOS.

Moreover, please note that the previous story, there is a thread that mentioned of an offline camping preparation.

Though, I also write it again if you have skipped it over......

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Convention Date April 12~13

Rendezvous Point JR Utsunomiya Station Western Exit, in front of Gyouza Statue

※ Be careful not to mix it up with Tobu Utsunomiya Station

Meeting Time

First Group : 11.00 Gyouza Tour (Managed by : Infrastructure Worker)

Second Group : 13.00 Clothing Purchase Tour (Managed by: Sakura's Friend)

Third Group : 13.00 Home Center Tour (Merged with First Group. Managed by: Infrastructure Worker)

All Group : 15.00 All groups meet and head to Yuuji's former house site

Detached Group : Camera Ossan's Car Group. Confirm the meeting time with each other

※ Points to Note

・Camping in Yuuji's Former House Site

The convention day, is the day where Yuuji's house is transported to another world 2 years ago.

There is a possibility to be transported to another world at night

If you want to stay, please have bring your own luggage before participating

・Yuuji's Imouto Sakura and her husband, George (American) will be staying

Her attorney lawyer-sensei will be the host, I'm sorry but I will return mid-way

・The maximum number of people that will be participating in Camping at Yuuji's Former House Site will be limited to 30 people

For the people who leave mid-way, return at the end or don't want to face the risk of transported to another world:

Please arrange the lodging location yourself

(FROM Interlude 2 - BB2)

JR Utsunomiya Station Western Exit.

April 12th,10:45.

The first group for Yuuji's House Site Offline Camping had fallen into a state of chaos from its first gathering.

「Hey! The gyouza statue had changed place!」

His username was Infrastructure Worker

He worked at an infrastructure company in his hometown of Utsunomiya, a winner in life, with a wife and children. As one of the locals, he should have leading the first group, but he had failed from the very first beginning.


The meeting place, the unique statue of a Venus covered in a gyouza skin at JR Utsunomiya Station Western Exit, had been relocated from the bus terminal on the western exit to the pedestrian deck.

「For now let's write the change of meeting place on the bulletin board, if they find someone, just wait without dispersing.」

The Yuuji's House Site Offline Camping had a scent of chaos drifting from it since that early start.

「Alright! Including me, there are 9 people! With this, the first group had all gathered! Since I parked the rental station wagon below, let's move there! Don't stray from group!」

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