Chapter 7, Part 4. Yuuji, Arrived at His First City in Another World

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"Woof", Kotarou made a short bark.

As if in respond to that , Kevin's bodyguard who walked at the front called out to the group.

「Everyone, there are monsters. We will deal with them, but please be vigilant just in case.」(Bodyguard)

It was on the second day of their travel to the city after they had left Yuuji's house.

Yuuji and Alice, who walked in the middle, stopped. Kevin the peddler was across from them, lined up with the second bodyguard who had been walking at the rear.

It seemed that the vanguard bodyguard would deal with the monsters while the other one would remain to guard Yuuji and the others.

「Kevin-san, will he be fine alone? Alice and I can protect ourselves to some extent......」(Yuuji)

「Well, it should be alright. But you should prepare your weapons just in case.」(Kevin)

Kevin didn't seemed worried.

Despite Kevin's advice, Yuuji hold up a black box in front of his face.

It was a camera.

So it would difficult to be broken or found out, the camera had been wrapped with cushion and conceal inside a wooden box. Of course, only the shutter button and the lens could be seen in plain sight.

The monsters that appeared were 5 goblins and 1 orc.

However, the bodyguard didn't flinch after seeing their numbers and drew the two-handed blade that he carried on his back.

He would deal with them alone.

The man dashed towards the crowd of monsters.

The 5 goblins began to raise an alarm, "Gegyagegya".

When they passed each other, the guard made the first sword slash, then the second, and the third.

Three goblins crumbled to the ground.

Without stopping, the guard rushed towards the orc.

The remaining 2 goblins that the guard had left alive, ran towards Yuuji's group

The other bodyguard that was beside Yuuji and Kevin clicked his tongue. He drew two short swords from his left and right hip and stood before Yuuji and others. Perhaps because he was a dual wielder or because the enemies were goblins so one sword for each was enough.

He flashed the swords at the same time.

Without being able to do anything, the two goblins were quickly eliminated.

The remaining orc finally achieved its top speed.

It bent its waist and charged toward the man. Perhaps it wanted to ram him or do a shoulder tackle. To be rammed by a being almost 2 meters tall, the impact would be tremendous.

Yuuji put himself on guard as he was thinking that the guard would be blown away, but Kevin and the other guard didn't look concerned at all.

For some reason, even Alice was cheering, "Go for it ojii-chan!" without any worries.

Kotarou was standing in front of Yuuji and others and observed the man's battle. By the way, this dog didn't make any move when the goblins appeared. It seemed that she knew the extent of the bodyguards' abilities.

Just before he was about to be hit.

The man dodged to the left and slashed upwards with the sword in his hans.

After the orc took several steps forward, its feet tripped and it fell down.

It looks like the orc's abdomen had been cut up with one slash.

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