Chapter 3, Part 5 Yuuji's, Sending Email to His Imouto, Sakura

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「Alright, since we're already at outside, why don't we play in the snow for a bit? Alice!」(Yuuji)

「Play in the snow?」(Alice)

「Yes, let's make a snowman!」(Yuuji)

Together with Alice and Kotarou, Yuuji had finished with taking a picture to send to his imouto, Sakura.

He should have sent it immediately to his imouto's email address or so we thought, but he still continued to escape from reality.

Together with the squealing Alice who was in high spirits because she hadn't played outside for a while, he was making a snowman from the piled up snow in the garden.

「Listen Alice, we roll it like this to make the snowman. By doing this, the snow will stick on it and it will slowly go bigger.」

Although there were distinct bags below his eyes and his expression looked tired out, Yuuji's eyes were shining with joy.

Kotarou who was looking n the direction of those two people, who had started to play, made a single bark "Woof".

It seemed that she wanted to head towards the forest outside the house. Maybe it was for a walk.

「What's wrong Kotarou? Do you want to go into the forest? But we can't leave Alice behind by herself...... Will it be alright if Kotarou goes alone? What do you think, Alice?」(Yuuji)

「Since Kotarou is strong it will be alright! Kotarou is smart so she also won't get lost. It will be alright, right Kotarou?」(Alice)


"That's true, I wish you wouldn't lump me together with Yuuji." (Kotarou)

Kotaro replied with powerful bark.

Come to think of it, Alice had asserted that since Kotarou is strong and smart, she would be alright.

Except for the speaker Alice, other than Kotarou there was only one other person.

Do your best, Yuuji!


「Then, what I made will be the bottom part while what Alice had make will be the top part. Let's lift it up! Here we go!」(Yuuji)

「So this is snowman~? It's somehow cute~」(Alice)

「Alice, this is still isn't finished. Starting from here it will be the difficult part that demands originality. Long branches to make the arms, okay. The bucket to make the hat, is also okay. But if we messed up on the face, it will become pitiful right? Alice, do you want to make the face for the snowman-san?」(Yuuji)

「Un, it's the first time Alice has done it so Alice doesn't really understand, but Alice wants to try doing it!」(Alice)

Alice searched around the garage, prefab storage, and the desolate hedge that had lost all its leaves for the materials to make the face with.

"Heave-ho, heave-ho" While saying this, she carried them to the snowman's location.

*Thud* *Woof*!

Kotarou had returned.

Yuuji looked at the opened gate and saw Kotarou's pale brown figure shining distinctly amidst the silver world. She left something white near her feet.

「Oh, Kotarou, what's that? Isn't that a rabbit? Did you hunt it?」(Yuuji)

「Ah!! Snow Hare1! That's amazing Kotarou! Yuuji-nii, this is called a "Snow Hare". You can't catch it except in the winter. It's really, really, delicious, you know! But since it is white it's hard to see it, so it is difficult to catch it.」(Alice)

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