Chapter 1, Part 4: Buleltin Board Yuuji, Uploading Other World Images

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【Hiki-Neet】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home came to another-worldish place 【Overcoming?】

1 : Anonymous NEET

Ah...... I'm really speaking the truth!

「For the sake of overcoming my Hiki-NEET, I finally came out from my house after 10 years. Then, outside the house yard was surrounded by forest.......

My home came to another-worldish place.」

What do you say? (ry[1]

2. Anonymous NEET

Yes, you catch me.

3. Anonymous NEET

Do you take a drug?

4. Anonymous NEET

As expected from a Hiki-NEET, the delusion is amazing.

5. Anonymous NEET

Hero Summoning? Or the one with popular class?

6. Anonymous NEET

How can you connect to internet in the first place?

7. Anonymous NEET

Don't make it complicated[2] please

8. Anonymous NEET

Now wait.

The 1 is kind enough to entertain us NEETs who killing time in the net.

Let's just ride this thread to see it.

9. Anonymous NEET

I'm not a NEET...

10. Anonymous NEET

I-I am also different from NEET.

11. Anonymous NEET

Good, let's hear the setting.

12. Cool NEET

1. Why do you judge that it as another world?

2. Why the net is still connected?

3. First of all attach an image on your ID.

13. Anonymous NEET

If the oxygen concentration is different by even 1%, you can't be alive.

A great person once said that.

14. Well Informed NEET

]]13 Isn't it should be 10%?

15. 1 desu[3]

]]12 1. There is a strange bird with wing span of 10 meters flying on the sky. It's plainly look like a wyvern.

2. I don't understand either

3. Please wait a moment.

16. Anonymous NEET

He said Wyvern.

17. Anonymous NEET

Isn't it supposed to be a Goblin first, right? IIRC[4]

18. Anonymous NEET

Wait, don't forget the Orc.

19. Anonymous NEET

Female Knight.

20. Anonymous NEET

I belong to Princess Knight Faction.

21. Anonymous NEET

I Erofu.[5]

22. Anonymous NEET

Kuh! KILL!!

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