Tread Lightly

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"Whadda mean he's coming to live with us?" Questioning your brother as you followed him from your room.

"He's coming to live with us." He stated again looking at you his tone not changing.

"Why can't he live someplace else?" Questioning the obvious here wondering why he had to stay here exactly.

"Because I told him he should stay here with me." Rolling your eyes at your brother picturing the scenario in your head as your brother didn't hesitate to offer his place for him to vacate.

Your parents had died a couple years ago, and your brother made a vow to always protect you. Never letting you out of his sight afraid that his enemies would try to hurt you. You were each other's only family left, and you weren't going to lose each other.

"Well where is he going to sleep?" Stopping in the doorway of his room folding your arms watching as he started shuffling around his room.

"The spare bedroom." Eyes bulging a little bit realizing your bedroom was in the middle of your brothers and the spare.

"My room is next to the spare bedroom." Pointing out to him but he just simply shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"You want him to sleep on the couch or something?" He was being rhetorical making your nostrils flare in anger. "Besides he'll be out more than in."

"We're not a hotel Y/B/N." Stating to him making him roll his eyes feeling like he was getting lectured by a parent or something.

"Yeah I know we're not." Judging by the tone in his voice he was getting irritated with you. "What I do with my place is not up to you."

"I live here too though." Arguing with him at this point hating that he never asked what you wanted before he did it. "You never thought to ask me what I wanted?"

"Listen it's already been done and he's coming here to stay with us." His hands running through his hair a signal he was under great stress.

"How long is he going to be staying with us?" Hearing your brother sigh heavily at your nosy questions.

"I don't know Y/N." He looked incredibly bored with this conversation but you wanted to talk about it. "However long he feels he needs to stay."

"He's just going to bring his enemies right to us." Stating the obvious and your brother knew you were right on that.

"We've thought about this very carefully we're not stupid." Now feeling his defensive side kicking in.

He wasn't taking into consideration that if his enemies found out where he was staying that your life was at risk. Wondering if your brother was even taking your opinion into count or really even thought this through.

"What's he going to do?" That question had him stop to look at you like you had grown two heads.

"Whatever he wants to do." Snapping at you as he scrunched his face up as shaking his head a song of guilt hit him watching your face wince. "Jesus Christ."

He was right this is his place and he could do whatever he wanted in it. You were just living in it for the time being or at least until he felt it was safe to move out. As much as you irritated him he was very protective of you given the fact your his little sister.

"You know how I feel about Chris." Saying his word softly afraid that he was somewhere listening to you. "He scares me."

"He's not going to touch you I swear." Following him to the spare bedroom now as he organized the room for your guest. "He knows the rules."

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