Beyond The Trees

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"A body guard?" Exclaiming at your father cocking your head to the side. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious darling." Your father replied a stern look on his face letting you know he wasn't joking.

"I'm not a little girl anymore dad." Whispering to him now bowing your head down. "I'm a grown woman."

"I know that Y/N I do." He nodded his head in agreement but you knew you weren't going to win this.

"What the hell do I need a body guard for?" Asking him as you sat down your hands on your knees.

"Someone has made a threat against your life." Hearing those words had your blood running cold. "I can't take that risk."

"Who?" Asking but he just shook his head.

"I can't tell you that sweetheart." Sitting down on the couch next to you placing his hand on top of yours.

"Why not?" Looking at him with a frustrated look across your face.

"The less you know about these people the better off you'll be." He wasn't going to tell you anything and you felt your blood boiling by the secrets.

"You can tell me at least something about them." Standing up walking over to the fireplace placing a hand on the mantle. "They can't be that dangerous."

"They are incredibly dangerous darling." His words still weren't scaring you, and you pushed more.

"What kind of men are they anyway?" Asking crossing your arms across your chest wondering why he was avoiding in telling you anything about them.

"These aren't men darling." He warned as you turned to face him and he wasn't lying. "There animals with no regard for human life."

"They kill men rape women and steal children." He continued on making you wince. "These are men to not cross hairs with."

It took you a few seconds to wrap your head around what he just told you. The reality sinking in how dangerous your fathers job really was. The kind of men he was involved with were hard core criminals and killers. It made sense as to why he never let you have knowledge of anything he did or who he knew.

The less you knew about him the better for your life. It terrified him every day to think if one day his enemies got there hands on you. His heart breaking at the thought of what they would do to you just to get to him.

Right now both of you were wishing your mother was here for comfort and light. Unfortunately her life was taken too soon in a car wreck. Your father doesn't think it was an accident. Swearing up and down they hired a man to kill her to send a message to him.

Ever since then your father has been on edge always wondering where you were, where you were going and who you were with. It got old after a while but you knew that your father would never let up.

"How long?" Asking him as you slowly walked closer to him.

"Until it's safe for him not to be around anymore." His head in his hands rubbing his face in stress.

"Do I at least get an option on who my guard is?" Keeping your fingers crossed you could get someone you liked.

"No he's already been chosen by me." Sitting up straighter as he stood up.

"Great." Grumbling to yourself but he still heard you anyway giving you a warning look to watch your mouth.

"I trust this man with my life darling he's been there for me for almost twenty years." Great so the man that was supposed to protect you from dangerous men was old.

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