Something New Part 4

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Walking into the building you were feeling more peppy than usual. Mainly cause you were getting to see Chris again.

Ever since you and him talked and exchanged numbers he's all you've been able to think about. Wondering if this was something that would become more, or if he wanted something casual.

Regardless you were just smitten with the fact he wanted to talk, and spend time with you. He was always sure to ask how you were, and wanted to get to know you. Know your likes and dislikes.

As you walked into your dressing room the schedule was already on your dresser. Taking a look at you your face dropped a little. The first name you saw on their was not the one you wanted to see.

You were scheduled to film a movie with Johnny Sins today. Not that it was a big deal, but you were just looking forward to being with Chris instead.

Johnny was a nice guy from what you saw, but something about him was off. Something about him seemed bad to you, and you wanted to stay away from him as much as you could.

Disappointed that you didn't have another film with him until a couple days. This is what you were warned about and told. You didn't always get to pick who you wanted to do movies with.

Reading over the scenario you almost rolled your eyes at how cliche the scene was. You were a school girl who was caught cheating, and the only way the teacher wouldn't tell on you was if you fucked him.

Not wasting another minute pouting you decided to go ahead and get ready. Doing your hair and makeup overly done trying to look the part. Putting your hair up into high pigtails since they instructed that's what Johnny specifically wanted.

Just as you were about to slip on your outfit a knock on the door came. Tightening the robe around your body so you weren't as exposed. Walking over to the door to see exactly who you wanted.

"Hi beautiful." Smiling as Chris stood on the other side wearing a white knitted sweater with black pants.

"Hi there." Greeting as you opened the door further to let him in. Still feeling a bit nervous around him still.

"How are you?" He asked as he sat on the couch crossing one leg over the other.

"Can't really complain." Shrugging your shoulders as you set next to him. "How bout you?"

"A little bit upset doll." He said his eyes focusing on the ground. "Not gonna lie."

"Why's that?" Asking with concern something was actually wrong. Hoping it wasn't something you possibly said or did.

"I don't get to shoot a scene with you today." Hearing him say that had your stomach doing somersaults. You didn't expect him to say that.

"Well you can't have me all to yourself." You teased playfully shoving his shoulder making him chuckle.

"I want you all to myself." He growled as he looked deep into your eyes.

The atmosphere in the room was becoming thick and heavy with lust. Feeling your thighs clenching together when that familiar ache appeared between your legs.

He could tell by your body language he was getting to you. Grinning when he knew how easily he could turn you on even with just his words.

It felt like something was pulling was closer to him, but you had to push back before anything dirty happened on this couch. Not that you didn't want anything to happen.

"What are you doing tonight?" Asking when you saw him leaning in.

"Hopefully you." He winked making you smile with a giggle. "No I'm not doing anything tonight."

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